LVII: Old School

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Michael and Dominic waited for the man to come back as it didn't take him no longer than thirty minutes while Dominic was leaning against the counter with a nonchalant look on his face

"I'm surprised you came back, and you brought a friend, smart move, but just not smart enough to stay away."

"I don't know who you think you are but I can do whatever I want and you don't have shit to say about it."

"You're right, I don't have shit to say, but my cousin here does." Dominic said as Michael snuck up on the two and clocked the man in the back of the head with a baseball bat

The man fell to the ground holding his head and groaning in pain as Michael pointed the bat at the other man and he put his hands up
"No, please! I didn't do anything, I swear! He just came and got me."

"I'll only give you one chance to walk out of here and never come back again."

"I promise, you have my word." He said quickly as Michael motioned to the door with his head and the man quickly scattered and didn't look back

"I guess nobody ever told you that it's wrong to mess with another man's wife. I guess I should give you a little lesson on the word respect." Michael said as the man groaned while trying to crawl away and Dominic went over to the door to lock it and closed the blinds

"You think it's cute to put your hands on my wife?"

"I don't know who your wife is, I never put my hands on anyone." The man groaned while still trying to crawl away and Michael kicked him in the stomach

"You're trying my patience."

"Fuck you, you prick." He said and spat at Michael as this infuriated Michael even more and he wiped his face

"Ok, that's how we're gonna do things? Alright, Dominic, get this motherfucker." Michael pointed as Dominic kicked the man in the head, got down on the ground and started punching him in the face

"You've fucked with the wrong ones, you figlio di puttana!" Dominic yelled in his face as he continued to punch him. (son of a bitch)

"Tiralo indietro." Michael said helping Dominic up and they both began to drag him by the collar of his shirt. (Drag him out back)

They dragged the now helpless man outside in the dirt as Dominic went to grab a shovel and Michael took his turn in punching the man. "You wanna spit on me, huh? You wanna put your hands on my wife? I'm gonna show you what happens when dumb fucks like you disrespect me and my wife." Michael said punching him in the nose and blood began to drip from his nose and he began flailing his arms around, slinging dirt and scratched Michael in the face

Michael punched him again and Dominic came back with the shovel. Dominic began bashing the man in the face with the shovel until his face began to cave in.

He was barely breathing as Michael began to choke the last bit of breath out of his body and he no longer was breathing. "What are we gonna do about him?" Dominic asked as Michael stood up

"We'll dump him by the river and then we'll come back and clean up."

"You know, for an old man you move fast."

"And for a crackhead, you still have all of your teeth, amazing." Michael said as Dominic chuckled

"You always wanna go for the low blow."

Later on, Michael went back home to go check on Katherine and bring her something to eat. "Hey babe, how are you feeling?"

"Ok. Alonso brought me my medicine earlier and I took that and I slept for a good hour. I called Julia and she said I was sick because I didn't save her any pecan pie and this was my punishment."

"Well if so then next time you should save her a piece. I brought you a sandwich, I figured you might be hungry." He said handing her the wrapped sandwich

"What happened to soup?"

"I'll save that for Christian, you know when he gets back he's gonna fix you some, so I decided to bring a sandwich."

"Babe, what happened to your face? You have a scratch on your cheek." She pointed as he forgot about him getting scratched earlier until he touched his cheek

"Oh that's nothing, I had a little accident."

"And your knuckles are bloody." She said as he looked down at his hands and tried to play it off

"It's nothing to worry about."

She sighed, "Michael, what did you do?"


"Michael, I know you're lying to me, tell me." She said as he kneeled down by her side

"Babe, nothing happened."

"Were you fighting Dominic?" She asked as he was a little surprised by the question, but went along with it anyway as he sighed

"It wasn't anything big."

"What all happened?"

"You know how he gets, he said something I smacked him around a little bit, then he caught me on the cheek and things went from there, but he's okay though, I didn't do much damage."

She sighed and shook her head, "Honey, it's not good for you to be fighting your cousin. I know at times he may get on your nerves but he's still family."

"Ok babe, no more fist fighting."

"You promise?"

"Yes, I promise." He said and kissed her on the forehead

Long time, no see👀😬😝

I know I've been gone for awhile, I'm still recovering from the accident plus other things in my life, but in my downtime I have been writing

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I know I've been gone for awhile, I'm still recovering from the accident plus other things in my life, but in my downtime I have been writing.

So, with that being said I'm going to try to aim at updating every Friday. I decided to put this one out early because it was well needed and next Friday I will post on schedule

I thank each and every single one of you for rocking with me, supporting my stories and being patient with me,

You all are the best. I hope you enjoy, let me know what you think and I'll check y'all next Friday😋


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