LXXXIII: Intervention

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"Mrs. Andolini, I apologize that Isabella here, is being harassed by this student, this was exactly the problem I figured would happen once I agreed to the busing program."

"What busing program exactly?" Katherine asked

"Well you see, we've had some requests from the inner cities to come to our school for an opportunity at a better education and I didn't want to do it because I felt it would interfere with our current students and someone with Isabella's excellent academic success will only hinder her in the long haul if I continue to allow this program to continue."

"So you're saying that he's poor." Isabella said

"Yes, but you don't have to worry about that anymore, I will remove him and the rest of the kids at once."

"Well wait a minute, I don't think you should kick him out just for bothering me."

"I know this is a harsh thing to say but we have a standard to uphold here and we don't want to turn our school into a madhouse, we take pride in having the best and brightest and once we allow one in then all will want to come."

"I can understand that and I realize it's not an easy decision to make." Katherine said

"Could you just overlook this one incident, I didn't realize all of this and if I did I wouldn't have said anything in the first place. I don't want to see anyone get kicked out for something small as this." Isabella insisted

"Well, since you're adamant about this then I will allow it to slide, but if I get any more complaints from you then I'll have to end the program, I just will not risk jeopardizing one of my best students."

After the meeting with the principal and Katherine, Isabella was a bit more sympathetic to the flirting and constant antics for attention.

She did hate his failed attempts of flirting with her, but she didn't feel that was a need to be kicked out of school especially since his original school isn't as great.

"Hey Geoffrey, how'd you like to hangout with me at my house one day." Isabella asked him once class was over as he was walking over towards her

He smiled from ear to ear as Marisol was looking at Isabella as if she had lost her mind

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He smiled from ear to ear as Marisol was looking at Isabella as if she had lost her mind. "Yo you serious?"

She shrugged, "Yeah, why not. We could actually be friends one day, I realized that I was being a little rude when you were only trying to be friendly."

"Sure thing pretty mama,"

"Ok, I'll ask my parents and see what they say, I'll let you know." She said as she waved goodbye to him and got up to leave while Marisol followed her out of the door

"What the actual fuck?!" Marisol whisper yelled

"What's the problem?"

"Uh, the problem, you're inviting him to your house?! Izzy, you can't be serious right now."

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