XV. House Guest

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"Oh Katherine, I just love what you've done with the place, it looks terrific." Judy beamed

"Well thank you, of course, I can't take all of the credit. I had a little help from my mom, my sister, and Michael. He's always big on changing things up and finding something new."

"All of you have a great sense of style, I just wish Rich was a little bit more open-minded about things like this, he says to me, what's the difference, Judy? It's all of the same things, there's no need for change when the old is just as fine."

"Maybe one day he'll be a little more open to the idea of change," Katherine said as they walked into the kitchen

"I hope so, I'm growing tired of sitting on that same old couch we had when we first got married, it's time for a little upgrade."

"I see you brought out the good stuff," Judy said noticing the bottle of wine on the counter and the food that Katherine had cooked

"It's just a little something I put together and as far as this wine goes, I thought I'd let someone else enjoy it because I can't drink any of it."

"Well don't you worry girlfriend, because I will take care of this with no problems." She said grabbing the bottle and the bowl of bread as Katherine laughed and grabbed the rest of the food

They sat the food down on the table as Judy popped open the wine bottle and poured herself a drink.

"So what's it like being the wife of Michael Andolini?"

"Well, it's quite nice. I have the great luxury to go anywhere in the world I could dream of going, my family's well taken care of and he's such a great husband and father to me and Alex, and our soon to be son on the way." Katherine said as she was putting food on her plate

"I hear he's a real killer." She smiled as she took another sip of her wine

"Oh yeah? And where did you hear that from?"

"Just things I hear, mostly rumors. You know him better than anyone else, maybe you could set some of the rumors straight, like, what's he really like?"

"What do you mean?"

"What's he like when he gets mad or upset, what's his personality like?"

"I rarely see him get upset because he doesn't like for me to see him upset and his personality is protective yet loving. He doesn't like when someone gets too personal about his private life and speaking of, please don't go telling anyone else about this."

"I promise, our conversation will go as far as this table."

"Ok, good."

"So do you guys role play before having sex? Or do you even roleplay at all?" She asked while pouring herself another glass


"What?" She shrugged. "I know the topic of sex is taboo but he must be doing something right, I mean you're having another kid. So what's your secret? Any dirty talk or spanking involved? Come on girlfriend, it's just me and you, talk to me, woman to woman."

"We have role played a few times in the past before." Katherine blushed

"Oh, now we're getting somewhere. What did you become? A sexy maid, tell me I'm dying to know." She said as they heard the sound of the front door closing


"I'm in here," Katherine called out

"Aw man, I guess I'll have to wait until the next time," Judy said as Katherine chuckled

"Hey, mommy! We're back!" Alex said as Michael came walking in being Alex

"Oh I see, did you have a good time?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Why don't you tell mommy about that goal you made," Michael said

"Oh yeah, I was running downfield and the other person on my team had the ball, so he kicked it away because the other team crowded him, so I went in and took the ball and scored."

"Oh wow, I wish I could've been there to see it. Why don't you have a seat with me and Judy and have some lunch for your good practice of the day."

"Alright, thanks." Alex smiled as he took a seat across from Katherine

"Why don't you sit down too, Michael. I made your favorite, and I think it turned out alright. Try some and tell me what you think."

"No, that's alright. I don't want to be a bother to the two of you."

"Oh no that's alright, Michael. I don't mind, it's your house and you're more than welcome to sit with us." Judy said as Katherine gave him a pleasing look

"Alright fine, I'll stay and have some." He said as he began to sit down and fix himself a plate

"I can't tell you enough about how much I love this house, I hope one day Rich and I will be able to have a big, beautiful house like this."

"Oh, I'm sure you two can get a house like this anytime," Katherine said

"Well, with the increase from Michael it will be hard. Before we wouldn't have a problem, but now we have to watch what we spend."

"Oh.," Katherine said not knowing how to respond as Michael looked up

"You're saying he doesn't like it?" Michael asked with a straight face as the whole table was silent

"Oh no, of course, he does." She said quickly. "I was just saying that things are a little different now and we're making adjustments, but he's not unhappy about your decision." She quickly rambled on as Michael was boring a hole through her with his cold stare

"Why don't we talk about something else, it's a beautiful day outside and we have a table full of delicious food for us to enjoy, right honey?" Katherine interjected as she sensed the nervousness from Judy

He looked away from Judy as he turned to Katherine and gave her a half smile. "Right, baby." He said while caressing her thigh

Katherine slowly glanced up at Judy as she noticed the fright in her eyes and Katherine gave her an assuring nod that everything would be okay

Judy nodded back as she quickly grabbed her drink with a shaky hand and gulped it all down.

*Do I see an omen from this?🤔🤔*

Thanks for reading and I'll have more on the way soon.

I appreciate all of the love and support and I hope you've enjoyed this one. 🤙🏾

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