VII. Ruthless Man

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Michael held a firm but gentle hold of Katherine's hand as they walked into the building together.

"You're not taking me where you kill chickens are you?" Katherine asked nervously as she stopped walking

Michael chuckled and gently pulled her along, "No, that's another part of the building. I promise you won't hear, see, or smell anything."

"Ok, I'll take your word for it." She said as they walked through the building and a bunch of men was dispersed throughout as they spoke in Italian

They went to the very back of the building to an office. He opened the door for her to go in first and he turned the lights on and shut the door behind him.

He grabbed her hand and lead her to around the desk as he sat in the chair and pulled her down on his lap and propping her legs up on the armrest. She was shocked by this as he began to lovingly kiss her on the lips

"I'm going to be a daddy." He said rubbing her stomach as she smiled and put her hand on top of his

"Our first child together. What do you think it's going to be?"

"It doesn't matter to me, whether we have a boy or a girl, as long as it's healthy, that's all I care about." He said kissing her again as his hands roamed her body
"I really like the way you look in this dress, but I think you'll look even better with it off."

She giggled, "I don't think it would be right for me to take off my dress in here."

"Why? It's my office and I say it's okay. I want to get a good look at these beautiful legs of yours." He said as his hand traveled up one of her legs and started to unclip the strap from her stockings and garter belt

"Capo, c'è un problema." A man said bursting through the door.
(Boss, there's a problem)

Katherine quickly pulled her dress down and buried her face into Michael's chest as he cheeks were red with embarrassment

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Katherine quickly pulled her dress down and buried her face into Michael's chest as he cheeks were red with embarrassment. Meanwhile, Michael was giving the man a deadly glare

"Cosa ti ho detto di camminare senza bussare?!" Michael fumed
(What did I tell you about walking in without knocking?!)

"Mi dispiace, pensavo che eri sola." He apologized as Michael angrily rolled his eyes
(I'm sorry, I thought you were alone)

"Katherine, I'm sorry about this baby. Could you wait outside for just a moment." He said sweetly and she nodded her head yes. He smiled and gave her a kiss on the lips, "It'll be just a moment."

She got up from his lap and quickly left the room while closing the door behind her. She sat on a bench that was in front of the window that had the blinds closed.

A few moments later, a woman came from around a corner. Katherine didn't look at her for very long, as she turned her attention to something else, all the while, the woman was looking at Katherine curiously.

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