LXXXV: Moving Out

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"I can't believe the day has finally come that you're moving out of the house and on to college." Michael said to Isabella as he walked her to her dorm

"I know, it all happened so fast, it seems like yesterday I was just starting jr high and now I'm in college."

"My little princess is all grown up now," He said with a sigh. "You're making me feel real old."

Isabella chuckled as she wrapped her arms around him, "Oh daddy, you're not old and no matter what I'll always be your little princess."


"Yes daddy I promise." She said as he smiled

"Alright, that makes me feel a lot better." They reached her dorm as they finished getting her stuff moved in
"You got everything you need?"

"Yes, mom and I triple checked last night to make sure."

"Ok, you know if you need anything at all just call us and we'll get it for you." He said as she smiled

"Yes I know, don't worry yourself dad I'll be fine."

"You're my babygirl and I'm gonna always be super protective over you." He said gently holding her face in his hands
"You have your mother's eyes; sweet and innocent."

"Yeah well at times I'm not always the sweetest person." She said as he smiled and let her face go as he went into his pocket for his wallet

"I don't need any money dad, you gave me enough already."

"Well take some more."

"I promise I'm good, the money in my account is plenty and should last me for a few months."

"Alright, let me know when you're running short." He said putting the money back in his wallet

"I will and tell mom I'll be on the lookout for the sweater she'll be sending to me."

"Speaking of Kat, I better go before she comes up here and starts pitching a fit for not hurrying up, I'm sure she's talked to every professor on campus by now. I love you much, call when you get a chance and write to us from time to time and let us know how things are going."

"I will dad and I love you very much too." She said as they embraced in a final hug as Michael placed a kiss on top of her head

"Call us anytime, night or day we'll pick up, enjoy yourself, study hard and most of all, have a good time."

"I will." She said as he let her go and walked out of the door leaving her in the room by herself. A few seconds go by as the door opens again and a dark skinned black girl walks in.

She seemed a bit nervous as she glances at Isabella. "Hi, I'm Isabella, you must be my roommate."

The girl was shocked that Isabella was being nice and even spoke to her. "Uhm yeah, I'm Lauryn."

"It's nice meeting you Lauryn, I hope you don't mind me rearranging the furniture up a bit, I figured you didn't want to share a dresser with me."

"No I don't mind, it actually looks better in here now." She said as she began to put her clothes in the dresser and Isabella goes over to her book bag, takes out a picture frame of her and Ronnie and sets it on her nightstand.

"We're getting old, babe." Michael said to Katherine as they were at the store while Katherine was looking through clothes
"Our baby is in college now."

"I know, she's had her heart set on Northeastern for awhile and I'm glad that she's able to go." Katherine smiled

"I'm glad she's able to go too, but a part of me just wouldn't let her go."

"Why not? You felt no way in letting Alex or Christian go. Alex is married and living in New Jersey with Rebecca and our soon to be grandchild on the way and Christian is in Manhattan with Naomi."

"Yeah but they're boys they need to go off and be on their own and learn how to be men, but Bella is my babygirl."

"Our." She interjected as he rolled his eyes

"Fine, our, it's harder to let her go especially with her being around those horny boys. That's another reason why I strongly suggested that she stay home. Those animals will try to ruin my innocent baby."

"Horny boys? You mean those same horny boys of ours you let go off to New York and gave them free-range to do whatever to someone else's daughter? I'm not saying our boys are animals but you have to admit that it's a double standard."

"Yes it's a double standard and it's not fair but that's just the way things are." He said with a sigh "I just don't want anything to happen to her, it's different when she had an issue and she could come to me but now she's in another state, three hours away and I can't get to her fast enough if she truly needs my help."

"Babe, Isabella will be fine. She's a smart girl and very savvy. The boys will come regardless if you want them to or not, but we raised her right and down through the years we've trusted her and she hasn't given us any problems and I believe she won't start now just because she's away from us when she's had plenty of opportunity in the past."

"You're right honey, I guess with Bella being gone it's going to take some getting used to."

"I'll tell you what, when we get home how about I make you some linguine, we'll have some wine, I'll put on some music while I rub your back, how does that sound?" She asked as he smirked

"That sounds wonderful and maybe perhaps you could wear a little something sexy while making the linguine and rubbing my back."

"What do you suggest I wear?" She asked as he began to slowly feel over her body

"How about that cute pink matching set I bought you last month, it has the little bow on the front of the panties, I think that would be nice."

"Or how about nothing at all, I figure why let clothes get in the way." She said as it seemed like a spark lit up in his eyes

"Let's go." He said gruffly as he possessively grabbed ahold of her hand and began pulling her along out of the store as she giggled

"Michael honey slow down, I wasn't even done looking at the clothes."

"We'll come back later to look at clothes, right now I need you at home."

How do you feel Lauryn and Isabella will get along?

Will Katherine be able to boil the water good enough before Michael tries to get some?

Let me know what you think

I appreciate y'all for coming back and reading this chapter and I hope you've enjoyed it as well

Until the next update be breezy,

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