XCIII: Wedding Planner

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"Alex said he would say yes to us getting married?" Ronnie asked Isabella in a surprised tone as she smiled and nodded her head

"Yes pretty much, he wants to know what our plans are for the wedding and afterwards."

"What if he doesn't approve of our plans, then what?"

"I don't see why he wouldn't approve, it's our honeymoon and future lives together, I don't know how that would benefit him in anyway but then again this is my brother we're talking about here and he can somehow spin it to make everything about him."

"If he's willing to approve of our marriage then he should be okay with our plans afterwards. This is the most important part for us and will be the foundation of our marriage.
I'm willing to put in as much work as I can for us to be as close to perfect even though that's impossible, but I will strive everyday to make it happen." He said while holding her hands and kissed her forehead

Soon Alex walks in the restaurant and sit across from the two as they sat in the front. "I'm sorry I'm late, I had a meeting run over time, I hope you two didn't wait long." He said getting settled in his seat and the waitress came over to take his order and left

"I won't waste anymore precious time so I'll get right to it. I know you like Bella but are you serious about marrying her?"

"I'm very serious, I don't want anyone else but her." He said as Isabella continued to hold on to Ronnie's hand

"You're going to be a celebrity soon, on TV, the radio, magazines and much more. Women will be throwing themselves at you, will you remain faithful?" Alex asked as Isabella scoffed

"You certainly won't be faithful that's for sure." She said as he rolled his eyes

"This isn't about me, this is about your future husband here. I think it would be beneficial to know how he would react once all these women start coming after him because he's famous and has money, and let's not forget those who pop up out of nowhere claiming that he's the father to their child.
What will you do then? And will Bella even believe you? You've been gone for a long time, she doesn't know what you do after the games, or who you're around, how can she believe you?"

"She knows my heart and I would never do anything like that to her. We both enjoy the same things, we talk to each other about everything and she's truly my best friend. I don't have this connection with other women nor do I want to.
I'll continue to be open and honest about everything in our relationship and that certainly will not change even after we say I do. I have no doubt that Isabella and I will last."

"Ok nicely answered I'll give you that, but how will you react to her bossing you around because no doubt she'll do it. Whatever manhood you think you have will be completely stripped away if she has anything to do with it, sorry to say but she will emotional and psychological castrate you, and ultimately will have zero respect for you as a man. How do you respond to that?"

"First off I'll treat her with the upmost respect as she so rightly deserves. I know how she is and how passionate she is on certain things and I let her have it. In my opinion that's her way of expressing herself and she likes to voice her feelings but she will not be bossing me around under any circumstances. I will soon be the man of the house and as her future husband she will respect me. I will do my best to make her happy every single day, and get her whatever her heart's desire but I will be respected." Ronnie said as Alex cracked a smile

"Well, I never thought I'd hear the day of Ronnie standing up to Bella. You've certainly grown up. I guess your balls have finally dropped and you've discovered the bass in your voice, good for you."

"You have me all wrong Alex, I will respect my husband and I don't have any issues with him leading. We both have grown since the start of us dating and in no way do I feel that I need or want to boss him around."

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