LXXXI: My Older Brother

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"I promise you my brother will like you, just trust me." Christian said to Naomi as he was lightly dragging her along down the street

"But what if he doesn't, what if he thinks I'm not the perfect fit for you." She expressed as Christian stopped walking and looked at her with a raised eyebrow

"This is my older brother not my father, and it doesn't matter what my brother says I like you and I have a right to bring you to the apartment whenever I feel like it. I know you're nervous but just relax and be yourself, everything will be fine." He said as she slowly nodded her head and they kept walking until they reached the apartment building

"Remember, just be yourself." He said opening up the door as it was quiet on the inside
"This is rare to come home and have no one else here, already it's turning out to be a great day." He said closing the door back and lead her to the living room

"This is a very nice place you and your brother have here."

"Thanks, the views are incredible at nighttime."

"Oh I can imagine, if only I had views like this back on campus I'd be drawing for days."

"Well you're always welcome here anytime, we hardly ever go out on the patio unless to have a smoke or something but other than that you'll be left alone."

"That's very nice but I wouldn't want to intrude on your space like that, I'm sure you'd get tired of seeing me everyday."

"No, I actually enjoy having you around." He said as she started to blush
"So, would you care for anything to drink?"

"A glass of water will be fine."

"Ok, a glass of water coming right up." He said heading to the kitchen as Naomi continued to look around the nicely decorated living room

The sound of a door close came from the hallway made Naomi look to see where it was coming from. "I thought I heard someone in here." A male voice said as Naomi figured that to be Alex

She immediately sat up straight and smoothed her hair behind her ears as she heard them coming. "I want you to meet my new friend, Naomi, Naomi, this is my brother Alex." Christian introduced as he brought back the glass of water and sat it down on the coffee table

Naomi looks over as Alex stood behind Christian, he didn't have on a shirt but only black shorts. She couldn't help but stare at his ripped chest and strong arms. "Wow." She whispered as she nervously stood up and he instantly towered over her

"Damn." Alex said as Naomi looked up at him with surprise
"Hai fatto un buon fratellino, lei ne ha uno carino con lei." Alex said checking her out as she was nervously fidgeting with her hands afraid that he didn't approve
(You did good little brother, she's got a nice one on her.)

"Sì, lo so, e potresti smetterla di guardarla in quel modo che la stai rendendo nervosa."
(Yeah I know, and could you stop looking at her like that you're making her nervous.)

"Sarebbe troppo chiedere se forse l'avrò prima."
(Would it be too much to ask if I had her first.)

Christian frowned, "No." He answered as Alex smirked

"Prometto di trattarla bene."
(I promise to treat her nice.)

"Assolutamente no e non hai già una ragazza tua, cosa vuoi dalle mine?"
(Absolutely not and don't you already have a girl of your own, what do you want with mines?)

"Siamo fratelli e condividiamo, è quello che facciamo, ma non ti arrabbierò più, tuttavia, se non avessi Rebecca, è meglio credere che la stuzzicherei proprio ora." Alex smiled as he then turned his attention to Naomi
(We're brothers and we share, it's what we do, but I won't upset you any longer, however, if I didn't have Rebecca, best believe I'd be dicking her down right now.)

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