XIII. Betrayal

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A few days later

Michael watched Katherine and Alex sleep as they laid on the bed cuddled up together.

He smiled to himself as he bent over and gave Alex a kiss on the forehead and leaned over and gave Katherine one

She stirred around a bit as she slowly opened her eyes to see Michael looking down at her. "What are you doing?" She whispered

"Watching you two sleep, you both look so peaceful." He said as he slowly rubbed her arm and held out his hand to her

She took it and slowly got up without waking up, Alex. Michael slowly brought Katherine close to his body as he wrapped an arm around her waist. "How's he doing?" He asked

"Better, he wanted to take a nap so I offered to stay with him until he fell asleep and then I got sleepy, so I just took a nap myself."

"That's good, I'm glad he's doing better." He said as he slowly spun her around and buried his nose in the side of her neck
"You smell good, what's that you have on?"

"Chanel, I thought I'd give it a try. Do you like it?"

He moaned, "I love it. It makes me want to do some things to you."

"What kind of things?" She asked with a giggle

"Naughty things." He said gruffly as he attacked her mouth with passionate kisses.

He backed her up against the wall and continued the assault on her lips as he wrapped one of her legs around his waist

"Wait, Michael. We can't do this right now."

"Why not?" He asked continuing to kiss her

She smiled as she gently held his face, "Because, Alex is right there." She said as he looked over his shoulder at a sleeping Alex

"Then that means we have to be extra quiet so he won't wake up." He said looking back at her and she giggled

"No sweetie, not right now. Maybe later on tonight."

He sighed as he unwrapped her leg from his waist, "Alright, fine. Do you think now would be a good time to tell him about the baby?"

"Yeah, it might even boost his spirit even more."

"What happened the other day had you a little shaken up as well, but I want you to know that nothing like that will happen to you or Alex again. I failed the both of you as a husband and father, and rest assured, you both will be safe no matter what." Michael professed

"Oh honey, what happened the other day, it could have been any of us. Things happen for a reason. You didn't fail us, you did what you thought was right."

"And soon I'll make everything right and make up for my failure." He said as he gazed into Katherine's eyes

"Alex, before we head out, there's something mommy and I want to tell you," Michael said

"What is it?" He asked curiously

"You're going to be a big brother because mommy is having a baby."

"Wow! Really?! I'm going to be a big brother?! I want to see the baby!" He said excitingly

"You can't right now, it hasn't fully developed yet," Katherine said

"Where is it?"

"It's in mommy's belly," Michael said as Alex put his hand on her stomach

"How did the baby get in there?" He asked as Katherine looked over at Michael worriedly

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