LXXXIX: Italian Thanksgiving Part I

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"Is it bad that I imagined your house would look like this." Lauryn said as they were getting their bags from the trunk and Isabella laughs

"I'll take it as a compliment."

"No wonder you have such a I don't give a shit attitude, you're fucking loaded."

"True, but I don't let money dictate who I am. I'm the same person I am at home as well as at school, except now I can eat all day if I want." Isabella grinned

"I just hope you don't eat too much and then you won't be able fit into your uniform anymore."

"Oh and one more thing, so my family is not exactly forward thinking about the whole gay thing, well, mostly my dad and brothers,"

"Isabella, you let me ride all the way up here without telling me?"

"I was afraid you weren't gonna come and I know you said your parents really didn't want you around because you were gay, I just didn't want you to be alone." Isabella confessed as Lauryn sighed


"I just thought it would be courteous of me to warn you, I know how my brothers can get and they're good at spotting things that they feel is off. They don't mind asking about sex, how many boyfriends you've had and when you freeze up and get nervous they start to question and start digging deeper until they get it out of you."

"This is a really wonderful time to tell this to me, now I'm afraid to even step foot inside."

"Just be yourself and don't worry."

"And what if your brothers begin to question me?"

"Just tell them you're not comfortable answering or I'll step in and stop it myself." She said as Lauryn sighed with her head down and Isabella puts her arm around her shoulder
"You're going to be my friend for life regardless of what anyone says about it. If they find out then just show them that you aren't a monster but a good person with a big heart and a damn good friend."

"Wow, thank you, I really needed that."

"You're welcome, now come on inside I can smell moms chocolate chip cookies." Isabella smiled as they went inside the house and Isabella dropped her bags at the door as Lauryn did the same and Dominic peeped around the corner

"It took y'all long enough, I thought I was gonna have to come back and help you two."

"No we got it, we were just talking." She said as Michael walked up

She brightly smiles as she ran over towards him, "Daddy." She says with her arms open as he hugged her back and kissed her forehead

"Princess, it's good to have you home."

"Don't be a stranger, come in." Dominic said to Lauryn

"Daddy, you remember my roommate Lauryn."

"Of course, how has things been?"

"Just fine, no one bothers us at all and it was especially nice when we were studying for midterms." Lauryn said

"That's good."

"My baby!" Katherine said as Isabella lets go of Michael and goes over to Katherine for a hug
"Oh honey I've missed you so much."

"I've missed you too. Mom, I want you to meet my new friend and roommate, Lauryn." Isabella said waving Lauryn over

"It's nice to meet you Mrs. Andolini, you have a lovely home."

"Thank you, and it's nice meeting you as well. I'm glad to see Bella branching out and meeting new people, and I hope you enjoy staying here with us."

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