XXXI. Trip

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"This is a big responsibility you two have before you, are you both still up for the challenge?" Dominic asked Sergio and Diego

"Of course, we wouldn't accept the job if we felt we weren't up to do it," Sergio said

"Yeah, we understand it's a big responsibility and we accept that," Diego said

"Good, because this could very well be the most important job that you'll ever do in life and that is to protect Mike's family while he's away. He's depending on you two to make sure his wife and kids are safe and sound, and nothing will happen to them."

"And we assured him that we will keep a close eye on the wife and kids," Diego said

"Do either of you have a plan if something were to happen?"

"Yes, we do, but hopefully we will not have to use it," Sergio said

"Good, I'm glad you two fellas have everything planned out, then maybe you won't end up like the last two," Dominic said getting up from the couch as Sergio and Diego looked at him strangely

"What do you mean? What happened to the last two?" Diego asked

"Well, this was before Mike was married and he asked these two, Jerry and Fredo, to watch his house while he was away. While they were supposed to be watching the house, they fell asleep and some nut broke into the house and tried to steal a flower vase given to Mike from his mother. Anyway, they got the vase back and once Mike got back and found out what happened, he smashes Jerry's face on a glass table and it shattered into a million pieces and he took Fredo's head and rammed it into a window. Afterward, I asked him, I said, Mike, why did you break your glass table? He said, I didn't like it anyways, and he just gave me a reason to get rid of it. Would either of you like anything to drink?"

"No, no thank you, we're good," Sergio answered as Dominic walked into the kitchen

"Yeah, I'll have a whole bottle of whiskey and some vodka to wash it down," Diego grumbled to himself in pity after hearing the story of what Dominic told them and Sergio nudged him on the arm

"Get it together, that's one less thing you need right now and that's something to drink."

Diego shrugged, "What? He offered and it's not like I was going to literally down the whole thing, did you not hear that story?"

"Yeah, I heard it."

"It makes me not want to drink anything, anytime soon."

"I promise, it's only for a few days and then I'll be back."

"It's not that I don't think you'll come back, it's the fact that this will be the first time we'll be away from each other since we've been married," Katherine said as Michael went over to her and put his arms around her waist

"Oh honey, those three days will go by so quickly, you won't even notice."

"That's easy for you to say, you'll be out doing stuff while I'll be stuck either here at the house or potting flowers until dark."

"I have an idea, why don't you go out and have some fun. I'm sure you and Julia can find something fun to do."

"Well, she did tell me about this party tonight that was going on, but I don't know if I wanted to go or not." She said shaking her head

"But you should."

"What about the kids?"

"We have Anna and I'm sure your mother wouldn't mind watching them while you go out. You should go, have some fun with your sister, I know it would mean the world to her if you said yes."

"Alright, I'll go." She said as he smiled and kissed her on the cheek

"Good, and when I call you tonight you can tell me all about it."

"I'm going to miss you."

"And I'm going to miss you more. Remember, there's nothing to worry about, someone will always be with you and the kids. I'll call you before I go to bed and then I'll check back in the morning."

"Ok, and have a good trip." She said as he unwrapped his arms from around her

"I will, and have fun tonight."

"I'll try, but you know with Julia, she'll make me have fun."

~I wish I had another week off, this wasn't long enough😭~

I appreciate you for reading, commenting and voting on my story it means a lot.

I hope you all enjoyed it and also, are any of you into Mystery/Thriller reads because I have an idea for a future story. Let me know if you have any suggestions, ideas, or would like to be in it🤷🏽‍♀️ I'm pretty much down for whateva.

Anyway, catch you all on the next one and I'll see you next week✌🏾

Anyway, catch you all on the next one and I'll see you next week✌🏾

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