II. Be Mine

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It was the next night and Frank had gone out again, just like he did the night before and coming home before the break of dawn the next morning.

It was the same routine almost every day. He goes out all night long, comes back before daybreak, sleeps all day and then gets up just at nightfall and goes out again.

So at this time it's pretty quiet, the children are in their beds asleep and Katherine is sitting on the couch reading a book

She hears a knock at the door and figured it must be Frank who forgot something and came back to get it.

She sighed as she got off the couch to answer the door when she opened it, she felt like she had swallowed her tongue, it was the man from last night

"He...he... Hello." She stammered nervously

He smiled, "Hello beautiful, may I come in?"

"Yes, of course." She said quickly stepping to the side letting him in as he carefully walked in with his hands behind his back and examining the room

He walked into the living room and took a seat as he placed both arms on the armrest and crossed his leg, all the while never breaking his intense gaze of Katherine.

She felt so embarrassed because he wouldn't stop looking at her and she had her hair tied up in a headscarf and has on rags for clothes, so she knows she doesn't look her best. "Uhm... Would uh, you like something to drink?" She asked nervously

"No, I'm fine." He said smoothly still not breaking his gaze

"Frank's not here and I don't know when he'll be getting back or even if he decides to come back." She blurted out

"I'm not here for Frank, I'm here for you."

"Me?" She said with a shocked expression. "Why me?"

"I thought I would come by and ask would you mind joining me for dinner tomorrow night, if that would be okay with Frank, but, since he's not here, I guess I can ask you myself."

"I uh... That's very nice of you, but I.. I just don't know."

"Please, I would really like for you to come."

"I don't know.. You really wouldn't want me having dinner with you." She said as he stood up and began to approach her

"Sure I do, otherwise, I wouldn't ask. Come on, it's just dinner." He said coming closer as she began to back away from him. "May I ask you something, why aren't you out having fun?"

"Because, the kids... He doesn't like to leave the kids by themselves." She said as she backed herself up against a wall and she couldn't go anywhere as his towering body covered her small frame.

"Can't you find someone to watch them while you're gone?" He said propping his forearm up against the wall and trapping her right side

She licked her dry lips, "My uh, my sister could watch them or the neighbors."

He gave her a small smile as he traced her bottom lip with his thumb, "What's your name, sweetheart?"



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