LXXII: High Life

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"You missing home yet?" Alex asked Rebecca as she was staring out of the large windows and out into the skyline of the city

"No not at all, as long as I'm with you, I don't care about anything else."

"That's nice and all, but what's gonna happen when you get tired of it and want to go back home?"

"It's not like they'll except me back with open arms. I made my decision to leave on my terms and I hate how things happened but that's the way it goes, I wanna be with you and no one, not even my parents can change my mind about you." She said as he kissed her cheek and sat on the couch

"You're a real trooper, I don't think I could ever go against my family for just one person."

"Well you're one special person to me and you're worth fighting for."

"I'm personally glad you're with me, I feel less lonely and I know someone will always be here when I get back." He said reaching for his box on the coffee table and opened it up
"Damnit, I gotta go get some more weed."

"You sure you wanna drive all the way across town just for that?"

"Yeah you right, I think this is enough to roll one." He said crushing up his last small strain as she sat down next to him

"Could I try?"

"Try what?"

"Some weed." She said as he chuckled

"You're joking right?"

"No I'm serious."

"Babe, you don't have to impress me with showing off that you can be exciting, you already have me so there's no need for any of that."

"I know but I've been interested in trying for awhile now but I was just too afraid to ask."

"You're not missing anything."

"How do you know?" She asked as he looked at her with a smirk

"Oh so you want to be high? Being high seems fun to you, huh?"

"Well you seem to enjoy it very much so why not I give it a try."

"I have my reasons, plus I grew up in an environment where stuff like this is seen as a good thing."

"So what's the problem?"

"The problem is, what will you be willing to try next? I'm not saying that one hit and instantly you're a junky, but you're just not strong enough to fight off peer pressure. I don't want you getting hooked on anything because you don't need that shit in your life,
I know very hypocritical of me saying that as I roll a joint and me being the rotten boyfriend from hell, but I do care about your safety and I promised you when you agreed to move out here with me that I would make sure that you were safe and taken care of." He said as she hugged him

"I love you." She said as he leaned over and kissed the top of her head

"I love you too, now if you'll excuse me I'll be outside." He said standing up

"I'll cook you some dinner."

"Ok, I can't wait for it." He said opening the patio doors and closing them back as Rebecca grabbed the phone

"Hi Mrs. Andolini, it's me Rebecca."

"Oh hi dear, how's Manhattan."

"It's very beautiful, I'm enjoying it."

"That's good, is Alex behaving himself?"

"Yes ma'am he is."

"That's what I like to hear."

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