XIX. The Start of Something

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I am always hungry.😩

"Alex... Alex... Alex, wake up. I want to play with your airplane." Christian said while gently shaking Alex

"I'm sleepy." Alex moaned as he put the covers over his head

"But it'll only be just for a little while. Please, I promise I won't take forever."

Alex sighed and pushed the covers back, "Alright, you can play with it."

"Won't you come with me, it won't be any fun if it's just me by myself."

"Ok, go wait for me downstairs, I'll get the airplane out of my closet." Christian happily smiled as he left out of Alex's room

As he was passing by he had heard a strange noise that made him stop in tracks

It was the sound of light tapping as he pressed his ear up against the door

"What are you doing?" Alex asked

"Listen, do you hear that noise?" He asked as Alex put his ear up to the door

"It sounds like mom and she's crying?"

"Do you hear that hitting noise? You think dad is hurting mommy?"

"No, of course not. He loves mommy, he wouldn't do something like that." Alex answered hesitantly and unsure of himself

The noise had stopped for a moment and then they faintly heard Michael's voice. "Come on, let's go before he catches us," Alex whispered as Christian stood there sadly looking at the door until Alex grabbed him by the hand and pulled him away

"I'm worried about mom."

"Don't be, I'm sure mom is fine," Alex assured as they heard the bedroom door open and close, and Michael came downstairs with a cocky grin on his face

"You boys want a snack or something?"

"No thank you, we're fine," Alex answered and Michael walked into the kitchen

Christian had got up from the floor while Alex was putting his airplane together. "Where are you going?" Alex asked and Christian didn't answer as this immediately clicked in Alex's head

"Wait! Hold on Christian!" Before he could get to him in time, he has already made it into the kitchen

"You changed your mind?" Michael asked looking down at Christian while he made himself a sandwich

"No, I wanted to ask you a question."

"Christian, don't," Alex whispered

"Sure, go right ahead."

"Were you hitting mommy?" He asked as Michael stopped making his sandwich and looked down at him

"What are you talking about?"

"Nothing dad, it was nothing," Alex interjected and started pulling Christian away. "You're going to get us both in trouble," Alex whispered

"You two come back. There's something you're not telling me, so what is it?"

"Alex and I heard you hitting mom upstairs in the room and she was crying." He said as Alex looked at him with shock

"Is that true, Alex?" Michael asked as he fully turned around to face them

"Y.. yes sir."

Michael slowly nodded his head, "Alright. Go have a seat and I'll talk to you about that."

"Great! Now we're going to get in trouble." Alex whispered to Christian as they went back into the living room and sat on the sofa

Michael soon followed after them and sat on the other side. "I want to be completely straight up with you two. What all did you hear?"

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