XXXII. Night Out on the Town

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"Ok, Kat! We gotta make sure that we look good tonight!" Julia said doing a turn in Katherine's full-length mirror

"I'm not doing anything extra, I'm already married."

"Well, I'm not so it's anything goes." She said with a smile as Katherine playfully rolled her eyes

"I hope that one day you do decide to get married."

"Yeah me too, but until that day comes when my very own Michael walks into my life, I'll be ready to walk down that aisle, but in the meantime, I'm going to live through you." She said with a smile

"Oh whatever, so what time does this party suppose to start?"

"About an hour ago."

"Julia?! We're late!"

"Don't worry, that's when all the pretty girls show up. All the desperate girls have to show up early and on time because they know once we get there, all eyes will be on us. Not that you care for that sort of thing, but I do."

"I'm going to start getting ready," Katherine said heading to her closet

"Ok, and if you find something cute in there that I can wear can you bring it out please?"

Twenty minutes later, the two have finally gotten ready and was heading downstairs where Alex and Christian were in the living room playing with their toys and Anna was on the couch

"Anna, I want to thank you for watching the kids for me." Katherine started

"It's not a problem, it's my job. I enjoy watching them, the boys are very entertaining and keep me laughing all night."

"Boys, I'll be back I'm going out with Aunt Julia for awhile and I want you two to behave yourselves and don't give Ms. Anna a hard time."

"We promise, we'll be on our best behavior," Christian said

"Good, and help keep a watch out on Isabella, she's upstairs sleeping."

"Yes, ma'am." They both said

"Ok, Anna we're leaving. We'll try not to be out too long."

"Go have fun, dear, the kids will be fine as always."

"You hear that Kat, everything's good now you can loosen up a bit. You all have a good night!" Julia said waving to them as she was pulling Katherine out of the house as Sergio and Diego followed
"Ooh, who are the new guys?"

"That's Sergio and Diego, this is my sister, Julia."

"Nice meeting you," Diego said

"Same to you, what happened to the other two?" Julia asked Katherine as they were getting in the car and Diego looked over at Sergio

"She knows." He whispered and Sergio began to hush him with a nudge on the arm

"They went with Michael and Dominic to Iowa, so he had three more watches the house while we went out tonight."

"Wow, it must be so cool to pay people to watch your house."

"In a sense yes, but I do like my privacy and I don't like the feeling of being watched 24/7, but I won't complain too much, at least I can go to bed at night knowing that I'm safe."

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