LXXXIV: Something to Remember

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Two years later

"Come on babe, you have to come with me to Illinois." Christian said to Naomi as she was sitting out on the patio sketching in her notepad
"You missed the chance of meeting my parents when they came down for Alex's graduation, and I don't want you to miss this one either."

"I just don't think I'm ready to meet them."

"Why not? I met your family already, so what's the big deal?"

"The big deal is that you're rich and I'm not, I'm sure they'd want you to be with someone that's financially on your level." She said as he scoffed

"Rebecca isn't rich and my parents like her."

"Yeah well Rebecca is white and a kiss ass."

"That's a lame excuse, come on, why don't you wanna meet my parents? Are you second guessing our relationship?"

"No, no, not at all, I do love you Christian and I see us being together for a while but what if I make a big fool of myself, I'll never be able to show my face in front of them again. You know how I am when I get nervous, I start stuttering and fumbling over my words like an idiot, I trip over my own feet when walking, no doubt they'll think I'm stupid."

"Hey, you're not stupid okay. It's okay to be nervous, you're human just like anyone else and everyone has their own nervous habits, it's completely natural. I don't want that to stop you from coming out to be with me, you have nothing to be nervous about because I'll be right there with you."

"Well since you put it like that, I guess a tiny vacation wouldn't hurt." She said as he smiled and kissed her forehead

"That's the spirit, I'll even show you around town and take you to all the best spots."

"I can't believe my baby graduated high school with honors, we're so proud of you." Katherine smiled as she hugged Isabella tightly

"Thank you mommy, I'm happy to make you both proud."

"Yes princess, we're very pleased at how beautiful of a young lady you've become and we know you'll do great things in the years to come." Michael said as Isabella went over and hugged Michael

"I'm super blessed to have you two for parents, I wouldn't be great if it wasn't for you two."

"Oh stop it, you're going to make me start crying." Katherine said as Isabella let go of Michael

"You've done enough crying, mom, I would think your tear ducts would be dried up by now."

"Don't be sad honey, think of this as a happy thing. Finally you and I can have the house to ourselves and we can do whatever we want, for as long as we want."

"Sure, but it won't be the same without my babygirl being around. Who else's hair will I braid and go with me to get our nails done?"

"Mom, I won't be gone for an eternity, I'll be back for Thanksgiving and I'll even visit on weekends when I can."

"Ok, that makes me feel a little better."

"Great, now can you put on your party face before everyone gets here and make sure to have the camera ready, I'm gonna go change." She said running off upstairs

"The last one to leave the nest, it'll be just me and you." Katherine said as Michael wrapped an arm around her waist

"Yes, it's a bittersweet moment but it'll get better with time, however, with Bella leaving I took the liberty of getting you a little something special because I knew you'd be a little sad."

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