XCVIII: I'm Sorry

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Three weeks later

"Daddy, when are you gonna stay with me and mommy?" Valentina asked Alex as he was driving her back to Rebecca's place

"I don't know princess, whenever mommy wants me to come stay."

"Why must you live away from us? I miss you." She said sadly

"I miss you too princess, but we make up for lost time when I pick you up from school and we spend the weekend together."

"It's not the same, I miss you reading me bedtime stories every night."

"Doesn't mommy read them to you?"

"Not like she used to, she'll have the nanny read to me instead and every time when I say I want mommy, she's always sleeping."

"I'll talk to her about it but as for tonight, I'll read you a bedtime story and tuck you in myself." He said as she brightly smiled and cheered


Alex pulls up to the house and goes to the trunk to get her bags while Valentina happily followed him and held on to his leg. "I love you, daddy."

He looks down at her and smiled, "I love you too, my beautiful princess."

They walk in the house as it was abnormally quiet. "Mr. Andolini, good to see you."

"Sariya, nice to see you. Is Becca here?" He asked setting Valentina's bag on the couch and looked around the living room

"She's upstairs. She said she was taking a bath but that's been well over two hours ago and she hasn't come down yet. I wouldn't tell anyone else this but lately she's been sleeping a lot more than usual and rarely eats, I'm really worried about her."

"Could you watch Valentina for me, and I'll go check on her." He said as he sprinted upstairs to her room

Once he opened the door he noticed everything was perfectly put in place and her clothes were neatly folded on the edge of the bed. "Becca." He said looking inside of the closet but she wasn't there

The bathroom door was closed as he went over to open the door but it was locked. "Becca it's me open the door." He said as he waited for a minute but didn't hear any movement

"Becca!" He called again and she didn't answer. "Something's not right." He whispered to himself as he called her name again and still no answer.

Finally he began to breakdown the door with his shoulder as the lock gave away and he burst inside the room.

He looks over to the tub to see the water has turned a murky red color and an empty pill bottle lying on the floor. Rebecca was slumped over in the tub naked as Alex quickly ran to her

"BABY!" He yelled as he held up her head and saw her eyes were glazed over and her left arm had a deep cut on the inside as he saw the silver blade at the bottom of the tub

She was murmuring incoherently as he reached inside to let the water out. "Baby what have you done?" He asked as her eyes began to roll into the back of her head

"No, no, baby I need you to stay awake for me." He said shaking her face to keep her awake and she begins to focus on him

"I'm sorry.... I wanna be perfect for you..."

"No honey I'm sorry I've done this to you." He said scooping her up with ease out of the tub and wrapped the towel around her

"I just wanted the pain to go away..." She slurred as she began to drift off while Alex quickly rushed downstairs

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