CVI: Success

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"I'm glad you all could make it, Michael will be glad to see you but not as much as our precious grand babies. Come give grandma a big hug." Katherine said with her arms wide open as Valentina and Nadia ran over towards her and jumped in her lap for a double hug

"Would you girls like to spend the summer with me and grandpa?"

"Yes!" They both said with a smile as Katherine kissed their cheeks

"Okay, we'll make sure that we bug your dad's enough to let you come back for the summer."

"Don't tell her that ma then she won't leave me alone." Christian said

"Good, maybe I'll get what I ask for if Nadia works your nerves."

"That'll make two of us, Ms. Katherine." Naomi said as she rolled her eyes at Christian
"I'll be right back I'm going to go to the bathroom." She said as she got up from her seat

"You want me to come with you babe?" Christian asked reaching out for her hand and she quickly moved away

"No I'm fine."

"Ok." He said as she walked away

"Whew, the wife is not happy with you." Alex said as Christian shrugged

"I don't even know what I did. She's been grouchy and moody for about a month now, mom do you know what's wrong?"

"I can think of a few reasons but have you been ignoring or neglecting her lately?"

"No, whatever she asks me for I give to her, I always listen to her and everything and she gives me the cold shoulder, I just assumed it was that time of the month but she can't be pissed off the entire month." He said as Isabella elbowed him and scoffed

"Just because a woman is pissed off doesn't mean it's her time of the month. You men think that just because a woman expresses her feelings and emotions then automatically she's hysterical, well the world doesn't revolve around you men nor are us women expected to cater to your needs like some slave you want us to be."

"Wait a minute I don't think that at all and why are you jumping down my throat? All I'm trying to figure out is why Naomi is mad at me? Ronnie my lovely brother in law, I applaud you for your generous efforts in marrying and putting up with her, I know she's a handful."

Ronnie grinned, "Thanks I appreciate that."

Finally Michael is done with his surgery as he was just waking up in his room. He was glad to see everyone standing around with big smiles waiting on him to wake up.

"My beautiful babies, come give grandpa a hug." He said sitting up a bit once he saw Valentina and Nadia

"I don't think that's a good idea right now dad, I don't want you to hurt yourself." Alex said

"I'm fine, now put them up her with me." He said as Alex lifted them up and placed one on each side of Michael.

"We missed you, grandpa." Valentina said as her and Nadia gave him a hug

"Oh I missed you too."

"They even drew you a picture." Katherine said giving it to Michael as he smiled

"It's beautiful, I'll hang it up on the wall at the house so everyday I'll see it. Thank you girls." He said kissing their foreheads
"Bella, when will I have some grandchildren from you? I'm not getting any younger you know."

She folded her arms, "Daddy now's not a good time for babies, I'm focused on my career."

"Well you can always have a career and babies,"

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