XXII. Thirst for Blood

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I know this is a very long wait, but I can explain.... 🙅🏾‍♂️

It was 9:30 the next morning, and Michael decided to go to work a little later than usual so he could make sure Katherine is comfortable

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It was 9:30 the next morning, and Michael decided to go to work a little later than usual so he could make sure Katherine is comfortable.

He was in the kitchen making himself some coffee when he heard a knock at the door. "I'll get it," Anna said

"If it's Dominic, tell him I'll be in there in just a second."

He waited and listened for a few minutes to see if that was Dominic because he would usually be yelling for Michael to hurry up, but he figured he wanted to be a little respectful about what happened yesterday

Michael came out of the kitchen with his cup and was surprised to see Mr. Vanderbrook standing in the middle of the living room floor with a worried look

"Is there something I can help you with, or did you come over to tell me that my marriage is an abomination as well," Michael asked as he sat down in his chair

"Oh no, I uh, I came over to apologize."

Michael raised his eyebrow, "Really? And what made you want to do such a thing?"

"My wife and I realized what we did was wrong. We didn't have any right to intrude on your personal life like that and we apologize and hope that one day we can all put this little incident behind us." He explained as Dominic walked into the living room and sat on the couch

"That's very kind of you, but I want you to realize the irreversible damage and grief you have caused me, my wife and my family. And also not to mention my wife having painful, emotional scarring from this whole ordeal and I believe that is something that is unforgivable."

"Again, I'm sorry but-"

"The only reason you're even over here is that you realized the potential risk you're putting yourself and that bag of dusty bones you call a wife into," Dominic spoke up as Michael sipped on his coffee

"Maybe coming over here was a mistake..." Mr. Vanderbrook started

"Yeah, no shit," Dominic grumbled

"I'm sorry to have disturbed you this morning, it won't happen again." He said quickly as he turned around to walk to the front door to leave.

"I told you, man. We should go ice that bitch right now. It won't be any trouble to take out the old skeezer anyway." Dominic suggested as Michael shook his head

"No, no. I already have enough problems and troubles and I don't need that to be another one."

"So how was last night?"

Michael heavily sighed, "Terrible. I know she cried for at least half of the night, but each time I would lean over to check on her, she would hide her face and told me that she was alright, but I knew she wasn't. I couldn't do anything but hold her in my arms and hope that she would eventually stop."

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