CX: Depressed

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It's been two weeks since Naomi miscarried after being attacked by some person while out with Isabella.

The minute she turned her back to Naomi someone came up from behind and hit her.

It all happened so fast that she didn't know what was going on and neither did Isabella.

Christian took it the worst as he became depressed and refused to leave the house or even his bedroom.

The room was quickly filled with sunlight as the curtains were opened. He pulled the covers up over his head and turned away from the window with a groan, "Come on babe close the curtains." He said as Katherine yanked the covers away from his head

"Christian I'm not Naomi, this is your mother and I'm telling you it's time to get out of this bed."

"No mommy, I'm staying in this bed until I'm ready to leave." He whined as he threw the covers back over his head

"So that's it? You're just going to lay up in bed for the rest of your life while the world passes you by?"

"Yes, but I'll get up to use the bathroom and occasionally eat."

"And what about Naomi and Nadia, your wife and daughter need their husband and father in their lives, Alex and Isabella needs their brother and Michael and I want our son to get up out of this bed and face the world."

"Easy for you to say mom, you've never lost a child."

"You're right I've never lost a child and I whole heartedly sympathize with you, but don't think for one second that my life was easy. Sure things turned around in my favor once I met Michael but I went through pure hell, things that you wouldn't even imagine that none of you know because I want my children to have the best opportunities of life which is why I strive for all of you to do better and never settle." She said as she sat on the edge of the bed next to him and put her hand on his shoulder

"I know you're hurting and I'm not trying to diminish your pain, but you have to realize that you have a family to provide and protect for. It's okay to be sad and grieve your loss but don't crawl under the covers and hide away from the world forever, Nadia and Naomi depend on you, especially Naomi, she's going through it too. How can you be there to emotionally support her when you're cooped up in the bed all day?"

"I can't help but feel that it's my fault that she lost our child, I wasn't able to protect her, it's my fault."

"You shouldn't blame yourself for something you had no control over, if anyone is to blame it's the person who did attack Naomi. While you're hidden away in bed, that maniac is roaming the streets a free man.
You're not in this fight alone Christian, this is why you have family here to support you and we will always be here for you."

"Thank you mom." He said as he gave her a hug

"You're welcome, now get up you've been hidden away for too long it's time to let the sun hit your face and move around." She said as he threw the covers back and slowly began to get up from the bed

"If I've never told you this before but I'm grateful that you're my mom."

"I appreciate that very much dear and I for one am blessed to have you as my son." She said as he smiled

"Aw, and I know that I'm your favorite but done worry I won't spoil it for Alex and Isabella."

"Of course, it'll be our little secret."

"Well since you're here did you make breakfast?"

"Breakfast? It's almost noon."

"Well are you gonna make lunch? I'm hungry." He said while rubbing his stomach

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