LXXXVII: Big Mistake

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One Month Later

"You're really good at this cheering stuff, I didn't know so much work went into it. If that were me, I'd be sore right now." Lauryn said as her and Isabella were leaving the gym

"Thanks, and I hope you don't mind the smell or my outfit, I figured you waited around long enough for me." Isabella said as she had on a tan sports bra with a jacket half zipped up and her warmup pants with her gym bag over her shoulder

"No, I don't mind. You actually look really cute, in a good way of course, I didn't mean it as I was hitting on you or anything." Lauryn said trying to get her words together as Isabella just smiled

"Lauryn it's cool, I don't think you're trying to get at me by everything you say."

"Oh good, I'm still learning to fully accept this open relationship we have as I've never had this before and I don't want to seem too weird. I'm used to being pushed away for the way I am so I never fully express myself and how I feel."

"You're free to speak your mind as long as you want, we're both very opinionated ladies and that's why I feel we are good friends."

"I can tell your boyfriend has his hands full when he deals with you." Lauryn said as Isabella laughed

"Everyone says that which is the total opposite, I'm very quiet when him and I are together."

"I find that hard to believe but I'll take your word for it."

The two went to a small cafe just outside of campus and had a meal and enjoyed for going on two hours.

They walked to their dorm as they entered the building, and heading in their direction was Chester and one of his friends

"Great, just who I need to see late tonight." Isabella groaned as Lauryn looked at her watch

"What's he doing in this dorm anyway, it's past curfew."

"Isabella, I'm glad I caught you." Chester said with a sly grin as he approached her

"I wish I could say the same about you."

"Since you're out, how would you like to come over to my dorm for a few hours, you, me and my friend here will have a good time." He said as his eyes went to her chest as she folded her arms

"No thanks, I'm not going anywhere with you or your loser friend."

He chuckled, "I don't think you understand, you see I like what I see and I want you in my dorm tonight and I'm gonna get what I want."

"Is that some sort of threat?" She asked as he stepped towards her and Lauryn tried to step in and help Isabella but Chester's friend stood in front of her

"I call it more of a promise." He said as he twirled the end of Isabella's hair that dangled in her face
"Now you're going to give me what I want because I have the power to ruin you, you know the power I have and I can get your scholarship taken away unless you give me what I want and what I want is right between your legs." He said as he touched her crotch and blew a kiss at her

"You won't get away with this."

"Oh yeah? And who's gonna believe some Pom-Pom shaking ditsy cheerleader that's walking around with her tits out at this time of night anyway? Certainly you were asking for it." He smirked "So what's it gonna be beautiful, are you spending the night with me or am I gonna have to ruin your life?"

"I'll tell you what, why don't you and your friend go fuck each other and don't you ever put your hands on me again."

"Ok fine, your loss but you asked for this." He said as he and his friend walked away as Lauryn helplessly looked on

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