XVI. Christian Andolini

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I decided that I'll go ahead and put this one out since I'm feeling a little sick in the body and very tired😩

But rest assured, I'll have the next one coming soon😋


"I feel it getting closer," Katherine said as she rubbed her stomach as she tried to sit up but Michael quickly rushed to her side

"Don't force yourself, sweetheart, I don't want you to go into early labor."

She giggled, "I don't think me sitting up will make me go into early labor, but if you insist."

"I'm almost done with getting your things together, then I'll call your parents and tell them we're on the way to the hospital."

"Ok." She said as she tried to put her shoes on but then Michael came back, kneeled down in front of her and tried to help her.

"It's okay, Michael I got it."

"No it's alright, let me help you." He said as the phone started to ring and he continued to help Katherine with her shoes

"Do you want me to answer it?"

"No, just let it ring."

"It could be important." She said as he got off the ground and huffed as he snatches the phone from the hook

"Who is this?!"

"Michael, it's me Rich." He said heavily panting

"This better be fucking good, my wife is going into labor any second now and I told you and everyone else to do not call me!"

"I know, I know, I'm sorry. But I need your help!"

"Can't it wait?!"

"No! Michael please, listen, I.. I think I might have killed Judy.." He said with shakiness in his voice as Michael was a little stunned by what he said

"You did what?"

"I.. She's not moving... I don't know what to do... Please, Michael, I don't know who else to turn to right now." He said pleading as Michael rubbed his hand down the front of his face and heavily sighed

"Alright! Just, don't go anywhere, I'll be there as soon as I can." Michael said as he hung the phone up and finished getting the rest of the stuff together

"Is everything alright?" Katherine asked noticing Michael's change in demeanor.

"Yeah, everything's fine. Listen, I'm going to drop you off at the hospital and make sure you're okay and then I'm going to go check up on Rich." He said helping her stand up

"Is everything alright? Did something happen?"

"Relax darling, I'm sure everything will be just fine okay. Don't get too excited, we'll call your parents and tell them to meet us at the hospital, okay?" He said in a calm voice as she nodded her head


"Thank God you showed up! I was starting to get a little worried." Rich said frantically opening the door for Michael

"I only came because I didn't want my investment going down the drain and have you end up doing something stupid like going to the police and telling everything, so I had to come. Alright, so where is she?"

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