XCIV: Welcome to Harvard

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"Rebecca? What are you doing here?" Isabella asked her as she finished up her morning classes and was heading to her dorm

"Well I had a surprise for you, I figured you could spare an hour of your time and come hang with me."

"You drove four hours just to hang out with me?"

"Yeah, I haven't seen you in awhile and you're all lonely up here and you need someone to talk with, so I'm here."

"Normally I would say no and head back to my room to study, but since you sacrificed a four hour drive just to come see me, I'll hang out with you for an hour or so." Isabella said as Rebecca smiled

"Great! We can also get started on looking for that perfect wedding dress of yours as well."

"That's right, and also we can find you something."

"Oh no I wanna wait a little while for mines, who knows if I'll be able to fit into it." She said while she self consciously looked down at herself as Isabella scoffed

"Are you kidding? Your body's phenomenal, I don't know where you're getting this idea that you won't fit your dress."

"You really think so?"

"Of course. Has Alex been saying something about your weight?"

"No not at all, he tells me all the time that I'm perfect but I don't feel that I am."

"Trust me you are, I've never met a more perfect person in my life, now enough feeling sad for yourself and let's get happy."

"Ok and I also have a surprise waiting for you in the car." Rebecca said as she put her hand over Isabella's eyes.
"No peeking."

"Ok, I hope it's something good."

"Oh yes it is," Rebecca said positioning Isabella "Alright, open your eyes." She said and once Isabella opened her eyes she was shocked with joy

"Grandma!" She said as she went and gave her a big hug as Debra did the same and kissed her cheek

"I'm so happy to see you my Pooh bear."

"I'm happy to see you too grandma. Thanks Rebecca, this is one awesome gift."

"You're welcome, I'm glad to see you happy."

"Alex called me awhile back and told me about you needing some help with finding a wedding dress, so he flew me out to New York and as old as I am I shouldn't be afraid of too many things, but flying was an experience."

"It wasn't too bad was it?"

"After a few minutes I got used to it and I kinda like it now, but once I landed you should've seen Alex and Christian fighting over who was gonna drive and take my bags." Debra grinned
"I started to get a little embarrassed and to stop their bickering I said since Alex arranged for me to come then Christian will drive and Alex can take my bags, but it didn't stop there as they continued to one up each other on who's my favorite."

"Well we all know that I'm your favorite." Isabella said as Debra smiled

"Of course, but don't tell the boys that I don't want to see them cry." She said as Isabella and Rebecca began to laugh

"I'm so glad you're here grandma, you make my life so much better." Alex said as Debra chuckled

"Well did Katherine not do a good job in showing you love?"

"Of course, but whenever I visited you, you and grandpa would let me get away with things that I couldn't at the house,"

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