LXIII: Here to Help

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Rebecca just couldn't get over how Alex was treating her the other day as it still pains her to think about it.

The look in his eyes held no sympathy or emotion as he's always been caring and compassionate to her feelings, but instead they were cold and devious, and that's not the Alex she knows

It took Rebecca some courage to come all the way on the other side of town as she didn't know what to expect when she got to where she wanted to go.

She only met Michael once and making her way to see him takes courage all on it's own, especially getting past all of the scary looking people throughout the building that watched her like a hawk.

"What do you want?" A large muscular man asked with a heavy Italian accent that towered over her

"I came to see Mr. Andolini, please."

"He's busy."

"Please, I really need to see him. I will only just be a few minutes."

"Stay here and don't move." He said going to the back as she sat on the bench and waited for the man to come back as she nervously twiddled with her fingers

Once the man returned she quickly got up as he motioned for her to come while she followed behind.

When she entered the room she shakily swallowed as her heart heavily thumped against her chest. The man left the room shutting the door behind him as the noise startled her

She quickly tried to gather her composure as she was already nervous about being here as she faced Michael all alone as he was lighting his cigar

She cleared her throat and swallowed again and took a deep breath, "Mr. Andolini, thank you for seeing me, I know you're a busy man." She said as he flashed her a look that sent her nerves through the roof

"I uhm, I'm sorry for interrupting you, I hope in the future it doesn't happen again."

He looked at her with slight boredom and irritation as she kept blundering on. "Is my silence bothering you?" He asked as she reluctantly sighed and shook her head

"Yes sir, I feel as if you're not listening to me."

"I would like to think you'd want my undivided attention."

"Of course, I just wasn't sure if you were listening."

"That's one thing you'll learn about me, I'm listening when you think I'm not, now go on with what you were saying." He said as he took a puff of his cigar

"It's about Alex. I've noticed some changes in his mood and he's not the same."

"What kind of changes?"

"Well, he hasn't really been himself lately, I tried talking with him but he'll have this really snappy attitude and get very defensive or he'll completely ignore me."

"How long has this been going on?"

"About two days now."

"Okay, I'll talk to him." Michael nodded

"Please don't tell him it was me that told you these things. I care about him and I figured the one person that knows him best is you, I just want him back to his old self."

"You have my word I won't mention your name at all."

"Thank you sir, and thank you again for your time."

It was now lunch time as Rebecca was getting her book for the next class out of her locker when a large hand smacked the locker beside her and scared her.

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