XX. Puppy Love

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"Alright boys, goodnight."

"Wait, can you tell us a bedtime story before you go."

"I had a long day at work, it's late and I'm tired."

"Aw come on dad, please," Alex begged

"No," Michael said flatly

"Please dad, we promise we won't ask again, just one story." Christian chimed in as Michael was getting fed up with them tugging at his arm for him to stay

"Alright! You want a story, I'll tell you a story." Michael said as Alex and Christian jumped with excitement and huddled up in the bed

"About a year ago, there was this family that had two kids. Both the kids worried their father constantly about telling them bedtime stories until one day something happened. After the father told them a story and left the room, a monster appeared out of their closet and ate the kids." Michael said as both Alex and Christian's smiles turned into worried frowns

"Uhm, how about another one instead," Christian suggested

"No, it gets better," Michael smirked. "Before the monster could get to the kids to eat them, you know what the kids did? They tried to run away from it and they almost got away, but they messed up once they called out to their parents. But you see, the parents didn't believe that anything was wrong with them because they didn't want to go to sleep and so the parents ignored their children's screams and plea for help." He said as Christian and Alex looked at each other with worried looks on their faces

"It's said that the monster comes out when the moon is full and he hears the pleadings of children wanting to stay up past their bedtime and those two kids were never heard from or seen again," Michael said standing up
"If I were you two, I would keep it down in here, it's a full moon tonight. You never know what may be lurking in the shadows of the night." He grinned as he was leaving the room

"Daddy, don't leave us," Alex said worriedly

"You boys will be fine and tomorrow, I'll have a surprise waiting for you."

"I don't think we'll want it," Christian said as Michael laughed

"Goodnight and don't let the monster bite."

"Why do you boys look so tired?" Katherine asked

"Daddy scared us last night." Alex said

"Oh yeah, and what did he do?"

"He told us a scary story of a monster eating children because they asked to stay up past their bedtime," Christian said

"Yeah, and the parents didn't even help the kids out. What if that happens to me and Christian one day?"

"Nothing like that will happen. You know your father is a big jokester and he's just messing around with you two."

Alex shrugged, "I don't know, he said he had a surprise for us today."

"What if it's the monster?! Mommy, don't let the monster eat us!" Christian stressed

"There is no monster, sweetie." She said as they heard the front door closing and Michael walking into the kitchen.
"You're home early."

"I had promised the boys that I had a surprise for them and I do not intend on disappointing." He said as he motioned for them to follow

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