XCI: My Blessing

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Four years later ; 1976

"Don't worry, you'll be fine." Isabella said as she tried to calm Ronnie's nerves as he began fidgeting with his shirt

"What if he says no?"

"Convince him otherwise."

"What if I can't? What if he thinks I'm not good enough for you?"

"Babe stop thinking negative. Daddy loves you and so do I."

"Yeah he loves me as your boyfriend, not as a future son-in law. You're his only precious daughter and I could potentially ruin you, then the next thing I know he's got a global manhunt looking for me."

"Stop it already, you have nothing to worry about. Just be yourself and remain confident, show yourself to be a great future husband." She said as they walked into the house

"Hi mom, we're here." Isabella said taking her jacket off and hanging it up on the hangar as the two walked into the living room

"Oh good glad you two could make it. Ronnie how's your family doing?"

"Just fine, they'll be going back to Georgia next week to visit my aunt."

"That's nice, well I'm almost finished with dinner so give me about ten minutes."

"Great, we'll go say hello to dad, where is he?"

"He should be in the den."

Isabella led Ronnie towards the den and as they got closer he began to get nervous.

"I don't think this is the right time to tell him." He said

"Why not? It's the perfect time, you can go ahead and get it over with."

"Yeah but this may upset him and I don't want to ruin dinner." He said as she sighed and rolled her eyes

"How do you expect to marry me if you can't even face my own father."

"I'm smart not stupid okay, antagonizing your father is like playing with fire, you on the other hand don't see it that way because you've been spoiled all your life and you can get whatever you want from him, but the harsh reality is it doesn't work that way."

"Fine, but if you want this to actually work you will need to stand up." She said as Michael came in from the side door with Dexter's ball in his hand

"Oh great you two are here, I have some good timing."

"How are you doing today dad."

"Wonderful, I got some new back medicine that actually works after my unfortunate tumble from last month."

"How is your back by the way?" She asked touching his back

"Oh fine, and I'm taking all the advantages of it too. Every night Kat gives me a nice thorough massage, and on occasion she'll come in the shower and wash my back for me and I get all the sweet loving I want with no issues, had I known I could get this kind of treatment, I would've fell years ago."

"Daddy, you're acting like mom hardly ever does nice things for you."

"She does but not as frequently like she used too, plus I'm not gonna lie but I'm selfish when it comes to her, I like her giving me attention it makes me feel good."

"The males in this family and their constant need for attention will always seem to amaze me."

Later on the four of them went on to have dinner as in just a few months Isabella would be starting law school and while she was at home she decided to spend some quality time with Ronnie.

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