VI. Honeymoon

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The plane ride to Italy wasn't so bad after all. At first, it was scary for Katherine because she's never been off of the ground before and to look down from the plane made her head start spinning and her stomach was feeling a little queasy.

She stayed rigid and looked ahead for the first few minutes while in the air, then Michael put a comforting hand on her shoulder and told her that everything was going to be alright.

She did gather up the courage to look down and around in the skies again, but not for very long. Her heart was still racing and fluttering as she looked down at the ground

They eventually made it to Sicily and Katherine was experiencing some major jet lag, but she didn't know. She tried her best to stay awake in the car on the way to the villa, but she kept dosing off to sleep

Her eyelids were getting really heavy, but before she could doze off again she noticed the car had pulled up to a light red two-story villa.

Her eyelids were getting really heavy, but before she could doze off again she noticed the car had pulled up to a light red two-story villa

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"It's beautiful," Katherine said sleepily

"Wait until you see the inside, it's even more beautiful." He smiled while holding her hand

She looked out of the window at the scenery and it began to make her more relaxed, as everything was quiet.

The more she looked around the more sleepier she got, and then she eventually slumped over and went to sleep


Katherine had woken up and found herself underneath the bed covers. She slightly threw back the covers and looked down at her body to see that she has on one of her nightgowns

"Good morning bella, how was your sleep?" Michael said as he propped his head on his hand

She looked at him confused, "Bella?"

He smiled, "Yes, bella. It means beautiful. What, you thought I forgot your name? Very unlikely to happen." He said caressing her hand

"How did I end up in the bed and with this nightgown on?"

"I put you in the bed and I also put the gown on you. Don't worry, no one else saw you naked, it was only me."

"Why did you let me sleep all day?"

"You looked so peaceful that I didn't want to wake you. I know you were tired from the flight over here and I wanted you to get your sleep." He said

"Thank you, I feel well rested now."

"Good. Would you like to have breakfast on the patio?"

"I'd love to." She smiled

Great, I'll go get the food and you can go wait for me outside."

He got out of the bed and left the room to get the food as Katherine got up, grabbed her robe and went out on the balcony.

It was a nice, warm breeze blowing in the wind and the sun was shining through the tree lines as the flowers bloomed with all different colors and arrangements

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