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Zak's POV

Well we had some fun in the front seat as we got dressed the rain started to hit the windshield.

"Is it me or we having a rainer month than normal?" she asked looking at me.

"No it's been unusually rainy this month," I said as I pulled my t-shirt on and buckled "Oh well we are heading east anyways in three days," I shrugged as I started the car and pulled out of the secluded spot.

"This is true. Hey Zak?" she said.

"Hmmm?" I asked.

"When is Stan coming tomorrow?" she asked.

"Around noon why?" I said.

"I am meeting Renee and Becky for breakfast since they are in town for a tv taping," she said as she fixed her hair.

"Oh at what time?" I asked as we drove down the road.

"Nine," she said "because Becks has a production meeting at eleven."

"Oh okay. So you're going to be back in plenty of time," I said with a small smile "But I have a question."

"What?" she said as I pulled into our driveway as we had remembered that we had had all the supplies for the salad at home

"What are you thinking for the new closet?" I asked.

"Well I want a huge island for things like my bras, panties, socks, stockings, garter belts, t-shirts, leggings and things that don't really need hanging. Then railings for my jeans, mini skirts, skirts, dresses etcetera," she grinned.

I kissed her temple before we got out "Sounds like you have been giving this a ton of thought," I said.

"I have," she said as we ran towards the house as I unlocked the door "Now if you'd excuse me I think I am going to go and take a nice long hot bath before we have lunch."

"Oh hold up," I said grabbing her around the waist "You think you're going to do that alone?" I pulled her into me.

"Well I mean maybe," she smirked.

"Well Bizz you got that oh so wrong," I said as I kissed her jawline.

Elizabeth's POV

"Oh I do. Do I?" I asked as I hear the door lock behind us.

"Yeah," said Zak as he moved my hair away from my neck and began placing kisses down it.

"Zak," I said as I spun "I am Genie in a Bottle come and rub me the right way," I winked as I turned and ran up the stairs.

Zak quickly gave chase "Get back here!" he laughed.

"Nope," I said as I took the steps two at time.

I was on the landing and Zak grabbed me around my waist and spun me around "Gotcha," he smirked as he connected our lips as he walked us towards our bedroom. We hit the door softly. He bit my lower lip and I let out a low groan.

I ran my fingers through his hair as he bit and nipped my neck causing me to gasp "Oh fuck Zak!" I moaned.

"Not yet anyways," chuckled Zak as he kissed my jawline harshly.

"Zak," I said as he quickly took my tank top off and threw it onto the floor and he removed his shirt discarding it on the floor with my tank top.

"What?" he said as he lifted me and wrapped my legs around his waist.

"Nothing," I said connecting our lips and he unhooked my bra and quickly removed it from between us.

He fell to the bed and I was on top. I am straddling his waist at the moment. I ran my hands slowly up his chest and I leaned down kissing his pectoral muscles and slowly moving down his torso as my feet hit the soft carpet of the floor. I removed my jean shorts and slowly unbuckled his belt and undid his pants. He bit his lower lip as I slid his pants off his hips.

"You like that huh?" I asked.

Narrator's POV

Zak nodded and a smile curved Elizabeth's lips as she lowered her shorts.

Zak grabbed her as soon as the shorts hit the floor and quickly pinned her to the bed as he started to make a meal out of her neck. She ran her nails down his back causing him to grunt when he quickly left the bed and the remaining material on their bodies was gone. He got back in bed and threw the blankets over them. When he went back to her neck and she wrapped a leg around his waist as he slowly slid into her causing her hips to buck up and a load moan to come from her lips.

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