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July 1995

Today was the day Zak and Elizabeth had been dreading. It was time for him to head to Vegas for college. Elizabeth hands Zak the last box which he put into the moving van. She looks down at the ground as Zak hops up to close the back of the trailer.

Zak's POV

I saw the look on Elizabeth's face as soon as my feet hit the ground. It was extremely hard on me leaving my hometown and everything that I loved. But seeing this look on her face is killing me.
"Hey," I said lifting her chin and our eyes met. The tears that made those beautiful green eyes shimmer spilled over and down her cheeks.
"I'm going to miss you so much Zak," she said throwing her arms around my waist and burying her face into my chest.
I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her tightly kissing the top of her head "Hey," I said pulling her back away from me "This isn't goodbye," she looks up at me.
"Yes it is," she said her lower lip quivering.
"No it's not," I said holding her face "It's merely a see you later," I kissed her forehead .
"No it's not. You're going to Vegas and," she said with a sniffle "and you'll find a new best friend and forget all about me."
"Elizabeth I could not and would not forget about you. You're my best friend and that's the way it will always be. Do you understand me?!" I said still holding her face and trying to fight my own tears.
This was going to be difficult. I hadn't even cried saying 'see you later' to my parents or my sister but God with Elizabeth. She was someone so special to me. I hated the fact that five years did separate us and that I wasn't going to be in school anymore to protect her and be that shoulder to cry on.
Elizabeth nodded and wiped her nose with the back of her sleeve on her wind breaker "Yes I understand. But you say that now," she said.
"Hey I don't just say it! I promise it," I said holding my pinkie up.
Her face lit up "Promise," she whispered as she hooks her pinkie with mine. We kissed our thumbs and for the first time we actually spit.
We both started to laugh before I pulled her into the tightest and longest hug I had ever given to anyone family included.
"I will see you in just a bit over three months okay," I said taking her face into my hands as she held onto my wrists.
"Okay," she whispered as I kissed her forehead.
"Zak?" said my Dad "I hate to break this up but it's time to head out on the road."
"Okay Dad," I said looking at him before turning my attention back to Elizabeth " I will call you tonight when we stop and I will call you when I get there and I promise I will call you once a week. But remember I am just one call away. "
She nodded before bursting into tears and hugging me tightly "I love you Zak," she said.
"I love you too Bizz," I said hugging her back and losing my fight against tears .
"Zak honey you have a schedule to be kept," said Mom touching my shoulder .
I nodded as we broke the hug. I quickly kissed her forehead before climbing into my car and my Dad climbed into the moving van. I blew a kiss to my Mom and Elizabeth. They blew one back as Mom put an arm around Elizabeth's shoulders. I started the car as they stepped back up onto the sidewalk.
With a heavy heart and long drawn out sigh. I put the car into gear and pulled out after my Dad. I looked into the rearview mirror and saw Mom and Elizabeth waving goodbye to me. The last image I saw was Mom hugging a clearly crying Elizabeth as I turned off my childhood street and to my new life as a college student.

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