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After their mini movie marathon Zak and Elizabeth are getting ready for their Valentine's Day best friend dinner.
Zak is standing in the living room in a suit and tie waiting for Elizabeth to come out of her bedroom. What Elizabeth didn't know was when Zak went for a "walk" he actually ran to the corner where there is a florist and bought a bouquet of flowers. He favorite roses, lilacs, tulips, carnations and sunflowers. He stood there holding the bouquet.

Zak's POV

Why am I so nervous? I am just taking out my best friend on the most romantic day of the year even though Elizabeth and I think it's an overrated holiday. Why is it only one day a year to tell someone you love them? Why not do it every day of the year.
"Ehm Zak?" said Elizabeth.
I am broken from my thoughts. There stood Elizabeth standing in front of me in a coral cocktail dress looking drop dead gorgeous as always.
"Wow," I said .
Elizabeth blushed "Is that a good Wow?" she said.
I nodded "Yes," I said.
"Are those for me?" she asked pointing at the bouquet.
"Yes," I said "Happy Valentine's Day Bizz."
I hand her the bouquet and she smells it "It's beautiful," she said looking up at me.
"Not as beautiful as you," I said.
"Zak," she sighed "Now let me put these in a vase."
I nodded "Let me," I said taking the bouquet.

Elizabeth's POV

I watched as Zak takes the bouquet into the kitchen. I went to grab my coat but before I could Zak beat me to it and held it out for me.
"Thank you Z," I said.
"You're welcome Bizz," he said. He slid the coat up my arms and kissed my cheek before he offers his arm "Bizz."
"Z," I said as we walked to the front door and left.
We walked to his car and as always he opened the door for me as I climbed in I smiled at him and when he smiled back my heart fluttered. Why am I feeling like this?! I love Fergal. I know I do! I love him. I have to as I gave him the most precious gift I had my virginity but Zak ugh Zak he makes me lose all my senses but NO  we can't!!!
"Bizz?" said Zak.
I turned and saw him in his seat "Z?" I said.
"Are you alright?" he said.
I nodded "I am fine," I said "Just was thinking."

Zak smiles softly at Elizabeth before he started the car and began driving. He drove to a small restaurant that he always took her to for big events. Her eighteenth birthday, the last day of her first year of college etcetera. They entered the restaurant and what did Zak notice first but didn't notice fast enough before Elizabeth saw it.
"Fergal?" she said and he turned around seeing Elizabeth's face. He was at the restaurant but with another woman. His co worker and who Elizabeth thought was just his "friend." 
"Elizabeth I can explain!" said Fergal standing up and walking towards Elizabeth and Zak.
"I don't think you have to!" said Elizabeth her breath catching in her throat "You told me that you had to work a double. You failed to mention that double was a set of Double D's! "
She turned on her heel and walked away.
"Elizabeth!" said Fergal .
"I would highly suggest you give me your key to OUR apartment!" said Zak holding out his hand and Fergal grumbled before taking his key off the key ring putting it in Zak's opened hand "Your things will be at the curb this evening. Don't bother calling or even coming near Bizz ever again!  Do you understand me?"
"You don't have a choice in that. It's Elizabeth's," said Fergal .
"Ferg what's going on?" said the raven haired woman "I thought we were on a date?"
Zak shook his head "I think I have more of a say in Elizabeth's life then you do now. You and you alone fucked up. I thought you loved her. She gave herself to you!" he said his eyes narrowed "You're damn lucky we're in a restaurant or my fist would have met your face already. "
"Wait a second. You told me that you and Elizabeth broke up!" said the raven haired woman .
"Monica not right now," growled Fergal .
"Oh he told you that?" asked Zak "No they hadn't as of this morning he was living with her and I! As of this morning they had wished each other a Happy  Anniversary. Wow you really know how to give an anniversary gift and Valentine's Day gift."
Zak turned and stalked away. He was walking away before he actually slugged Fergal. But most importantly he needed to find Elizabeth.

Zak's POV

"Bizz!" I yelled. I heard her unmistakable sob coming from the rose garden next to the restaurant "Bizz?!" I walked in and see her with her back to me sitting on a white rot iron bench.
"Go away Z," she said sobbing.
"Bizz I am not doing that," I said sitting next to her.
"Don't look at me," she whispered turning  away from me.
"Hey," I said grabbing her chin and turning her face to me "Bizz. Come on now."
"Zak," she whispered "Why? Why did he do this? I gave my all to him. My heart," she wipes away the tears "my virginity. My soul."
"Oh Bizz," I said hugging her tight "Sometimes you just give your heart to the wrong person."
"But I seem to keep doing that Justin, Greg, Adam and now Fergal?!"  she said quietly "What's the common denominator?!"
"Bizz!" I said sternly.
"Bingo me!" she said quietly "I'm the common denominator. There is something wrong with me!"
She stood and began to walk away "Hold up where the fuck do you think you're going?!" I said grabbing her hand as I stood myself.
"I don't know and why do you care?" she spat turning and looking at me.
"Why DO I CARE?!!"  I screamed at her causing her to jump and shake "You want to know why I care?! " She nodded but took a step back from me. I realize that I never even once ever raised my voice at her and I probably scared her "I care because whether you like it or not I love you Elizabeth."
"I love you too Zak," she said looking down at her feet "But it's clear I have to protect my heart from here on out. I need to just be with me. I want you as my best friend. My roommate but that's it."
"Okay whatever you want," I said with a small sigh.
At that moment I could have strangled all four guys who broke Elizabeth's heart because they effectively pushed her so far away from wanting to be with me that God only knows when she would ever want to be with me.

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