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February 2002

It's been a full year plus a few days since Elizabeth and Fergal met. He has been living with Zak and Elizabeth for the past nine months. Elizabeth has given all of herself to him and I do mean all of herself. He claimed her heart and her virginity about three months into knowing and dating one another.
Fergal and Elizabeth were laying on the couch snuggled up to each other. His arm wrapped tightly around her waist. Her leg draped over his leg and her arm laying lazily over his abdomen. Her head laying on his shoulder. His free hand resting over hers.
"Babe," she said as they watched a movie.
"Honey," he said as she looks at him.
"I love you," she said smiling at him.
"I love you more," he said smiling at her before he connected their lips.
"So are you going to tell me what you have planned for our anniversary dinner?" said Elizabeth.
"Nope," he said popping the p.
"Meanie," she said with a pout.
"I know I am horrible mean old thing," he said "Who happens to love you and wants to surprise..."

Elizabeth's POV

Fergal stopped mid sentence when we heard the door to the apartment bang open and muted giggles and slurred speech.
Zak came stumbling in with another dumb ass blonde on his arm.
Fergal and I exchanged looks "Oh hi Bizz! Ferg! This is ummm," said Zak and you could tell he was a bit tipsy.
"Zak really," I said untangling myself from Fergal "You," I grabbed the girl from under Zak's arm.
"Hey," she said as I escorted her to the door.
"He doesn't need someone like you to ruin his life," I said as I tossed her out the door " You don't have to go home but you do have to leave our home. Buh bye," I shut the door and locked it. I walked back in and Fergal had gotten Zak to sit down and was bringing him water and a bucket "Zak what are you doing?"
"Trying to get over you," he mumbled as he took the water and bucket as I sat next to him.
"Zak," I said quietly as I brushed the few stray strands of hair from his forehead before massaging his scalp as he drank the water "You say it every time you drink to much. This whole drinking and bringing home a random bimbo isn't good."
"But you have Ferg," he said laying in my lap
"Yes I am well aware of that fact Z," I said as Fergal gave me a bottle of aspirin.
"I get lonely," he said as he looked at me.
"Z," I said frowning "You're still my best friend."
"But you're with Ferg," he said again pouting.
I rubbed my temples and groaned. "Ferg can you give us a few?" I said. Fergal nodded as I leaned my head back and he kissed me which made Zak whimper like a puppy who just got scolded "Now Zak," I turned my attention back to him but he had fallen asleep in my lap "Of course," I sighed before leaning forward and kissing his temple "I am sure you'll forget about this in the morning anyways you always do," I covered him up with the blanket "Sleep well Zak," I yawned as my eyelids grow heavy. As I am massaging Zak's scalp I must have fell asleep....

The next morning....

 Fergal came out of his and Elizabeth's bedroom. He saw Elizabeth sleeping sitting up and Zak still in her lap. He rolled his eyes. He knew she probably stayed up as long as she could to keep and eye on Zak. This  whole thing between the two of them got under his skin.

Fergal's POV

"Honey," I said kissing Elizabeth's lips as her head leaned back on the sofa.
Elizabeth's eyes flutter open.

"Mmm hi Ferg," she said stretching slightly before rubbing her eyes "What time is it?"

"A little after eight," I said.

Elizabeth nodded before looking down at a still sleeping Zak. She ran her hand through his hair "Zak," she said softly. He grumbled "Zak," she soothes "Z come on wake up."
Zak's eyes flutter open and he smiled softly at Elizabeth "Am I dead or am I actually looking at real life angel?" he said.
Elizabeth smiled softly "You're not dead and I am no angel," she said with a soft laugh still running her fingers through his hair. I knew this was to start waking him "So come on sit up and take two of these," she opened the aspirin "Cause you're going to need them."
She helped Zak sit up and hands him the aspirin "I must have done something good to still have you in my life," said Zak quietly as he took the aspirin and grabbed the water bottle.

Elizabeth's POV

"Zak," I said as he looked at me.
"I did because I don't deserve you," he said looking at me softly "Fuck Bizz. You took control of everything when I came home drunk again and with yet another random ass woman."
Fergal sat next to me "It's because she loves you. You arse," he said.
"I know," said Zak with  frown.
"Zak," I said putting my hand on his cheek.
Zak leaned against it "I love you Bizz and you know that," he said.
"I do," I said with a nod.
Zak grabbed my hand and kissed the palm "You're the best friend I have ever had. The best friend I ever will have," he said looking into my eyes and I felt my heart skip a beat at the look he gave me.
"Zak," I whispered as tears formed in my eyes .
"Honey I am going to go to the gym and then I have work," said Fergal kissing my temple.
"Okay," I said "Happy Anniversary Baby."
 "Happy Anniversary. I'll see you later for our anniversary dinner," said Fergal "I love you."
"I love you too," I said as Fergal grabbed his gym bag and left.

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