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November 1994

Today is the day of the dinner with Elizabeth and her parents at Zak's Mom's house. Zak was nervous about it. He couldn't think of anything but what Jake and Meredith had said about him and Elizabeth.
Zak came downstairs and into the kitchen where his Mom was preparing a couple rotisserie chickens. Yesterday she had made her from scratch banana cream pie.
"Do you need any help Mom?" asked Zak rubbing the back of his neck.
"No sweetheart," said Nancy " Not here in the kitchen but you could go and set the dinning room table for me. Please set out the good china."
"The one we use for like Thanksgiving and Christmas?!" said Zak shocked " I-I-I-I-I thought this was just friends getting together. "
"Honey this is a special dinner for you and Elizabeth," said Nancy .
"Mom! Bizz and I aren't dating," said Zak shaking his head his eyes wide " We've had dinner, " he is cut off by Nancy putting a finger on his lips.
"I know but I want to make this special. Who knows maybe in the future Elizabeth will be more to you than you may want to admit right now," she said putting the seasoning on the chickens.
"Not you too!!!!" said Zak.

Zak's POV

Okay I can wake up at anytime now. This is a pretty damn scary nightmare. Why in the world is everyone saying this about Elizabeth and I?!!
"Zak honey?" said Mom .
I looked at her like a deer in the headlights "What?" I asked.
"What do you mean not you too?" she said.
"Jake and Mere have said the same thing about Bizz and I," I said "I honestly don't get it. We shared one little kiss," I spilled before I knew what I was doing .
"Excuse me you kissed her?!" said Mom grabbing me by the shoulders.
" I-I-I-I-I uh, " I said closing my eyes "Okay yes Mom I kissed Elizabeth. There I said it I kissed her like on the lips and to be truthful I didn't hate it either!"
Mom closed her eyes before rubbing her temples "Just tell me one thing. It was just a kiss right?" she said.
"God Mom. Yes. It was just a kiss. Elizabeth was having a bad day. Someone called her ugly and I told her she was beautiful inside and out. I kissed her forehead and held her face. But when I looked into those vulnerable green eyes of hers I don't know. I didn't think and I just leaned in and kissed her," I said throwing my hands up " I didn't mean for it to happen and the kicker we promised we wouldn't tell anyone but I went and told you and Mere," I buried my face into my hands.
"Zak honey you'll have to tell Elizabeth's parents" she said .
"But Mom they'll forbid us to see one another," I said " I can't lose her. I just can't. She's my best friend. "
Mom sighed and rubbed my arms "And if they find out and you weren't honest with them then you'll lose her anyways," she said.
"Otherwise I am damned if I do. Damned if I don't," I said .
Mom took my face into her hands "Zak I know you're fighting feelings for Elizabeth," she said looking me in my eyes.
"No I am not," I said shaking my head.
"Yes you are," she said "But for right now you two can not happen."
"I know that Mom, " I said rolling my eyes "I get that. I am seventeen and she is just twelve. But we get each other. We understand each other," my lower lip is trembling "Mom she's my best friend and I don't want to lose her."
Mom took me into a big hug "Zak I promise you I will not let you lose your best friend" she said before kissing my forehead .


Elizabeth and her parents have just left their house and are traveling to Zak's Mom's place.
They are listening to the radio and Elizabeth is starting out the window. She hasn't thought about much else but the kiss she had had with Zak.
"Are you alright sweetie?" asked Elizabeth's Dad Robert.
"I'm fine Dad," she said.
"You look like you're a million miles away," he said.
"Just thinking Dad," said Elizabeth.
"Twinkie," said Elizabeth's Mom Linda who was in the driver's seat.
"Yes Mom," said Elizabeth.
"Your Dad is right you've seemed a million miles away for the past few days," she said turning onto the street Zak lived on.
"I have?" said Elizabeth.
"Yes you have," said Linda.
"Oh I just have a lot on my mind," said Elizabeth.

Elizabeth's POV

Like the fact Zak kissed me and I didn't hate it?! I thought Or that I want him to kiss me like that again only this time longer and more passionate!!!!
We stopped and I looked up seeing we were at Zak's place.
"We're here," said Mom.
"I can see that," I said as we got out. I hand Mom the salad she had made as I got out. As we walked up the sidewalk to Zak's house he opened the door.
"Bizz!" he said.
"Zak!!!" I said running up the four steps and jumping into his open arms and we hugged.
"Okay you two," said Nancy.
"Hi Miss. Nancy," I said. Zak set me on my feet and I hugged his Mom.
"Hi Linda. Bob," smiled Nancy.
"Hi Nancy," said Mom and Dad.
"Hi Mr and Mrs Stachura," said Zak .
"Hi Zak," said Mom and Dad smiling.
"Come in. Come in," said Nancy .
Mom hands Nancy the German potato salad.
"Mmm is that your yummy potato salad Mrs. Stachura?" asked Zak .
Mom nodded "Yes," she said "I know that is one of your favorites."
"Not mine though," I pouted.
"I made mustard potato salad," said Nancy.
"Yea," I said hugging Nancy "I love your mustard potato salad!!!"
Nancy laughed as she brushed my hair behind my ears "And that is why you're my favorite of Zak's friends," she said.
"Thank you Miss. Nancy," I said.
"Zak please show our guests to the living room," said Nancy.
"Mom," said Zak rolling his eyes "They have been here before."
"Nancy do you need help?" asked Mom " Let the kids be. We can trust Zak. "
Zak and I looked at each other and gulped. Nancy looks at Zak and then me and I grinned at her like an idiot. If she only knew Zak and I kissed.
"I guess we can," said Nancy raising an eyebrow.
"You can Mom," said Zak "Come on Bizz let's go to the game room."

Elizabeth's parents and Nancy left Zak and Elizabeth in the foyer.
"Zak did you tell your Mom?!" asked Elizabeth.
"I uhhh," said Zak rubbing the back of his neck.
"Z you didn't," she said exasperated.
"I'm sorry I panicked but I also told Mere," he said biting his lip.
"Your sister knows too?!" said Elizabeth.
"Bizz," said Zak grabbing her by the hand and leading her to the game room.
"Zak I thought we were going to keep this our little secret!!" said Elizabeth.
"I'm sorry Bizz," said Zak.
"It's okay," said Elizabeth reaching up and touching his cheek "Can I be honest with you?"
Zak nodded "Of course," he said.
"I really really really liked the kiss as short as it was. After all it was my first kiss," said Elizabeth blushing.
Zak chuckled before pulling her into a hug and kissing the top of her head "Do you think we should tell your Mom and Dad?!" said Zak .
Elizabeth nodded "Yeah. But I don't want to loose you," she said pulling back from Zak.
"I don't want to loose you either," said Zak cupping Elizabeth's face "But if we don't tell them and they find out some other way then you'll loose me anyways."
"So damned if I do. Damned if I don't," said Elizabeth hugging herself " But Zak you're my best friend. I-I-I-I-I can't loose you. If I lost you, " she began to cry.
Zak pulled her back into a hug "Maybe if we are just honest," said Zak rubbing her back.
Elizabeth nodded "Well I guess we can try," she said looking up at Zak.
He brushed the hair behind her ears and kissed her forehead "I'm willing to take the blame," he said "After all I did kiss you not the other way around."
"But I didn't push you away," said Elizabeth swallowing hard.
"Well the only way we are going to know anything is we go tell," said Zak holding out his hand.
Elizabeth laced her fingers with Zak's.
They entered the kitchen.
Zak cleared his throat and the adults look at their children. Nancy's eyes traveled down to the hands and back up.
"Can we help you?" asked Nancy .
Zak and Elizabeth nodded "Yes," said Zak "Umm Mr and Mrs Stachura," he began and Elizabeth squeezed his hand "I kissed your daughter a few days ago."
"You what?!" said Linda.
Zak swallowed hard "This is all on me. I-I-I-I-I wasn't thinking and I just kinda kissed her. She was hurting and the hurt in those green eyes of hers. I don't know I," he is stopped by Bob raising his hand.
"Was it only a kiss? " he said.
"Yes Dad. Right after Zak immediately apologized and took me home," said Elizabeth "Please don't make us say goodbye to one another. I can't lose him. He's my best friend. I don't think I would be able to get through school if I didn't have him."
" What are you going to do next year when Zak is at college in Las Vegas? " asked Nancy.
"I am just one phone call away Mom," said Zak .
Elizabeth smiled up at him with tears in her eyes "Really?" she said.
Zak nodded "Of course," he said.
Elizabeth hugged him tightly "Thank you," she said.
"Okay you two can continue being in each other's lives but no more kissing. Deal?" asked Linda.
"Deal," said Zak smiling at Elizabeth "Big time deal.

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