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Zak and Elizabeth walked hand in hand back down the hiking trail.
"Zak," said Elizabeth hugging his arm "Can we get some food before we go riding? "
"Sure," said Zak "Tacos?"
"Yes," she said smiling at him "And nachos!!!"
"Sounds good," said Zak wrapping his arm around Elizabeth's shoulders and kissing her cheek.
They made it back to her Mustang and they got in. They take off for their favorite Mexican restaurant.
"Hi guys," said their usual waitress Amber.
"Hey Miss. Amber," they said following Amber.
"Are you two a couple yet?" asked the gray haired woman.
"No not yet Miss. Amber, " said Zak.
"You better snatch her up before you lose her," said Amber wagging her finger at Zak.
"I know Miss. Amber," said Zak as Elizabeth slid into the booth.
"You better listen to Miss. Amber," said Elizabeth smiling up at Zak.
Zak laughed and kissed the top of Elizabeth's head "I will but when the time is right," he said before sliding in on the other side of the booth.

Zak's POV

"I will get you two your usual drinks?" asked Amber.
Elizabeth nodded "Yes water with lemon," she said looking at the menu "Oh and chicken nachos!!!"
"Zak?" said Amber.
"Water with lemon," I said.
Amber smiled "Alright let me go get those and your nachos," she said.
"Ooh extra Monterey Jack and Cheddar cheese please!!! Oh and tomatoes and lettuce!!!" said Elizabeth peering over the menu and dancing in the booth .
"Let me guess no sour cream and jalapenos? Am I right?" asked Amber .
I nodded "You got it," I said with a smile .
"I will get that right away for you two," she said walking away.
"So what are you getting Z?" asked Elizabeth looking at the menu.
"I don't know," I said picking up the menu and looking it over "What looks good?"
"You," whispered Elizabeth.
"What was that?!" I said with a smirk.
Elizabeth raised an eyebrow "I know you. You heard what I said Z," she said with a smile.
"You're right," I said lowering the menu and our eyes connected and she smiled and blushes "But I still want to hear it again. So what looks good?"
"You," she said smiling at me.
"Well you are what looks good to me too," I said reaching up and caressing her cheek.
She leaned against my hand and kissed my palm.
"Here's your waters with lemon you two," said Amber with a smile.
"Thanks Miss. Amber," said Elizabeth nodding and smiling before taking a lemon from the bowl and squeezing it into her glass before dropping the slice in the glass and pushing it down to the bottom with her straw.
"Thanks Miss. Amber," I said doing the same thing as Elizabeth.
"I will go get you those nachos," she said.
"Thanks," we said smiling up at her.
She smiles at us before heading to get our nachos.Elizabeth got up and slid into the booth next to me before she took my arm and wrapped it around her shoulders. She leaned her head against my shoulder. I swear to you had I died right then and there I would have died a happy man.
"Awww you two," said Aaron as he walked into the restaurant "Are you two guys officially on a date?!"
"Naw just our Friendsitine Day outing," I said looking at Elizabeth who still laid on my shoulder.
"Well you two could have fooled me," said Aaron " You guys are awfully cozy for it just being your Friendsitine," he air quotes Friendsitine "Day outing."
"Think what you will Aaron," said Elizabeth matter of factly "Z and I are just best friends who have been through a lot together and we are just exceptionally close."
Aaron shook his head "It's a shame a down right shame," he said "You two would make a great couple."
"Maybe one day," she said "But not today," she smiled at me "now Aaron not to sound like a bitch but can you leave us alone?"
Aaron nodded "No you don't sound like a bitch for wanting to have alone time," he said "See you guys in two days for the next investigation."
"Bye Aaron," we said as he went to the counter to pick up his order.

Elizabeth's POV

I looked up at Zak and kissed his jaw "You don't mind that I chased Aaron away?" I asked .
"Bizz if you hadn't I would have," said Zak kissing the tip of my nose. I smiled softly at him as Amber brings us our heaping plate of nachos "Thanks Miss. Amber."
"Yeah thanks Miss. Amber," I said.
Amber smiled at us "Pleasure is all mine sweeties I will give you a few minutes and then I will come and get your order," she said.
We both nodded "Alright," we said .
She smiles at us before heading to her other tables.
"Now I know you Bizz," said Zak as I stood and went to the booth to sit across from Zak.
"Well yeah you should by now," I said smiling at Zak.
"I know you're just looking to pick a spot to dive right into these nachos. Resist the urge Bizz," he said with a smirk.
"And I'm inviting you to bite me," I said playfully.
"I did," he said pointing at my neck where he had kissed me earlier.
"Zak did you leave a mark?!" I said my hand flying to right side of my neck.
"Nope," he said popping the p "When my Vampire side comes out I know how to bite and not leave a mark."

Elizabeth rolled her eyes "Brother," she said "You actually went there?! Your vampire side?! Really Z?" she said smiling softly at him.
Zak laughed and grabbed a nacho "What?" he said "You don't want to be my Mina?"
Elizabeth raised an eyebrow "What I want is for you to save me some nachos!" she said with a smirk.
"So you don't want to be my Mina?!" asked Zak .
"Did I say that?!" she said eating a nacho dripping in cheese.
"Well not exactly," he said.
"Then don't put words in my mouth," she said with a smirk.
"Could I put other things in your mouth?" asked Zak a devilish grin painted on his face.
"Maybe when you're a good boy," she said returning the devilish grin.
They ordered lunch.Elizabeth ordered two one soft and one hard chicken tacos and Zak had the same except he had two hard shell tacos.

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