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January 2001

It had been nearly a month since Zak and Elizabeth almost changed the dynamic of their friendship but when their families interrupted them as they were about to take it to a whole other level they decided it would be best to pump those breaks indefinitely.
Neither one are willing to admit the other is their "end game" and neither one wants to admit that they were head over heels in love with the other. So here we are at a stale mate. Still best friends and still roommates but now a silent agreement that their feelings be pushed down and suppressed.
Zak has a wedding he has to DJ and Elizabeth is now his assistant so here they were carrying the equipment into the banquet hall where the reception is taking place.As they are setting up one of the groomsmen is hitting on Elizabeth.
"Hey Baby," he said.
Elizabeth rolled her eyes "My name ain't Baby. It's Elizabeth. Miss. Stachura if you're nasty," she said.
The groomsmen laughed "Good one. Look Baby what are you doing later," he said.
"Look dude with all due respect please do not flatter yourself," said Elizabeth with pursed lips. The groomsmen tried to put his arm around Elizabeth's shoulders she swatted his arm away. "Back off asshole," Elizabeth growled angrily.
"Come on Baby what are you doing after this?" he said.
"Going home with me," said Zak as he stood up from behind the booth and he had at least six inches on the groomsmen.
"Right you wish," said the groomsmen with a smirk "So Baby I'll see you after the party and we can have a party of our own," he tried to kiss Elizabeth but before he could and even before Zak could react another groomsmen slugged him.
"Fuck man," he said from the ground "What did you do that for?"
"The lady clearly told you on multiple occasions to get lost and you didn't take the hint," he said looking at his friend on the floor "Now get your arse up off the floor and go get some water to sober your arse up," The groomsmen on the floor grumbled and got up leaving in a huff as the other groomsmen turned to Elizabeth "I am sorry about that. He started drinking this morning and well clearly he can't hold his alcohol. By the way my name is Fergal Devitt," he held his hand out to Elizabeth .
"With that accent I take it you're not from Vegas," said Elizabeth shaking his hand.
"You caught me. I'm from Mississippi," said Fergal .
Elizabeth giggled and Zak rolled his eyes.
"Oh so everyone from Mississippi talks like that?" asked Elizabeth with a soft smile at him.
Fergal laughed "Caught me again. I am actually from Bray County, Ireland," he said with a smile.
Zak could tell Elizabeth was already going gaga for this guy in front of her.
"Cool," she said twirling a strand of her hair around her finger.
"You know my name. Now can I know yours?" he said.
"Elizabeth Stachura," she said shaking his hand again before he turned her hand over and kissed the top of it causing her to giggle and Zak to roll his eyes.
"Well Miss. Elizabeth it is a pleasure to meet you," said Fergal .
"The pleasure is all mine," said Elizabeth. Zak scoffed and Elizabeth looked at him "Did I ask for your two cents Z?" she raised an eyebrow.
Zak rolled his eyes "We need to get back to work," he said.
"Sorry," said Fergal "But maybe later I could have a dance?"
"Sure," said Elizabeth blushing "I mean if it's okay with my boss," she nodded towards Zak.
"Whatever as long as you let us get back to work," said Zak.
"Adieu," said Fergal "Parting is such sweet sorrow," he kissed Elizabeth's cheek before leaving.

Zak's POV

Elizabeth looked at me "Thanks," she said a soft smile on her lips.
"For?" I said.
"Letting me try and handle that jackass myself but stepped in when he didn't take the hint," she said with a quick kiss to my cheek.
"But I should have reacted quicker when he didn't take the hint even after I told him you were going home with me," I said.
"Nonsense Zak," she said "You did what Fergal did you might have gotten us fired." I saw the smile paint her lips when she mentioned his name and I felt a piece of my heart chip off and die. I know we had agreed that us getting interrupted on Christmas Day was a sign that we weren't meant to be at least not yet but I was finding it hard to bury my feelings for Elizabeth after all I had had them for more than six years now. She hip checks me "Now aren't we supposed to be working?"
I laughed and kissed her cheek "God I adore you," I said.
"And I adore you," she said quietly as she connects the wires on my laptop.
This is where I wanted to grab her and just kiss her but we promised each other that when it felt right then and only then were we taking our friendship to the next level. My only hope is it wasn't long before we do.

A little while later...

"Could I have this dance?" asked Fergal as Elizabeth sat on a chair next to the DJ booth.
"I don't know can you?" asked Elizabeth with a smirk .
Fergal smiled "May I have this dance?" he said with a smile and a bow.
"May I?" asked Elizabeth looking up at Zak.
"Go ahead," he said with a small and unnoticeable sigh or so he thought. He fails to remember Elizabeth knows him like a book.
"Zak I won't if you don't want me to," she said looking at him secretly hoping he'd say  'I mind because you're my girl and I want to be the one who dances with you.'
"It's fine. Go ahead," he said a small smile although his heart was breaking.
He wanted nothing more than for her to look at the Irishman and say 'No he's not only the DJ but the love of my life.'
"Okay," she said smiling at the guy.

Elizabeth's POV

I took Fergal's hand and he walks me to the dance floor before spinning me and taking me into his arms. I was instantly swept off my feet both literally and figuratively.
"So Elizabeth tell me a bit about yourself," he said with a smile.
"Well I am eighteen. I am from Buffalo, New York. I attend the University of Nevada Las Vegas where I am studying business with a minor in event planning," I said " I'm an only child. I love the paranormal and wrestling. I love to read and write fiction," I said smiling and looking into his beautiful blue eyes "So tell me about yourself."
" Well.... "

Zak's POV

I watched as Elizabeth went on to dance three dances in a row with Fergal which by the way what a dumb ass name for a person if you ask me.
Anyways my vision of the two is cut off by a woman who snapped her fingers in front of my face. I blinked and looked at her
"Excuse me but can I request a song?" she said.
"Huh?"  I said.
"Can. I. Request. A. Song?" she said slowly as if I was a five year old.
"Of course," I said getting my bearings back.
"Then I would like I Need You Tonight by the Backstreet Boys," she said.
"Okay," I said as my heart shattered. That is Elizabeth's favorite Backstreet Boys song on account it is sung by her by her favorite member and crush Nick Carter.

That night went painfully slow for Zak as Elizabeth spent the rest of the night dancing and talking with Fergal Devitt the Irishman who was her knight in shining armor earlier in the day. Little did Zak or Elizabeth know Fergal was about to change her life forever.

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