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Zak's POV

I waited downstairs for Elizabeth to change as I am sitting there on my phone. I hear the footsteps come to the top of the stairs. I looked up and smiled.

"Wow," I said looking at her in a neon pink spaghetti strap tank top that hugged in all the right ways and blue jean daisy duke cut offs that she had made herself from an old pair of jeans that had the knees blown out.

"I take it Wow in a good way," she said as she came down the steps putting on her necklace that I gave her when she turned sixteen. 

"Yeah wow in a very good way," I said.

She smiled before standing on the last step and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around her waist and lifted her. She wrapped her legs around my waist never disconnecting our lips. She had her arms wrapped around my neck as my hands rest on her ass cheeks. Our tongues fought for dominance. I quickly made my way back up the stairs.

"Zak," she said pulling away breathless.

"What?" I said with a smirk.

"Where are we going?" she asked. 

"Well I lied about the time for the ATV park," I said "We really don't have to be there until two."

"But Zak it's only e," she started "You sly fox" she connected our lips once more as I climbed the steps. I accidently hit the door a bit harder than I meant "Ooof. Babe."

"Sorry," I said kissing her lips gently as I opened the doors to our bedroom.

"It's okay but try not to kill me please," she giggled as we connected lips again as I walked into the bedroom kicking the door closed with my foot. 

We broke the kiss because quite frankly we needed air in our lungs. We smiled at each other as I walked over to the bed. I dropped Elizabeth onto the bed gently. She gave me the come here with her pointer finger. I obeyed and came to her. She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me on top of her before wrapping her legs around my waist as I started to make a meal out of her neck.

"Oh fuck Zak," she moaned as I nipped her neck. She started pull my t-shirt up my back and I sat up and removed it. She smiled as she reached up and wrapped her arms around my neck before pulling me to her and kissing me. 

I slowly raised her tank top up her body. I felt her smirk against my lips as I slowly rose with her arms  and legs still wrapped me. I broke our kiss and took off her top. She was in a black lace strapless bra "Mmm one of my favorite bras," I said with a chuckle.

Elizabeth's POV 

I bit my lip and nodded "It's the least I can do," I giggled.

"Why thank you," he said as he unclasped my bra and threw it away from us as he laid us back "You do realize you're going to have to unwrap those legs from around my waist so we can be naked right."

I giggled as I unwrap my legs from his waist as he slipped from the bed and quickly removed the rest of our clothes.

"I love you Zak," I said as he rejoined me in the bed.

"Love you more Bizz," he said as he covered us with the black silk sheets of our bed and connected our lips.

He slowly moved down my jaw and went to where he knew drove me wild. I dug my nails into his biceps as his need for me grew. He made his way back to my mouth connecting our lips before plunging his tongue back into my mouth our lips danced and our tongues fought for dominance. 

Narrator's POV

"Zak," moans Elizabeth as they came up for air.

He chuckled as he looks at her as he ran his hands down her body and sunk two digits into her womanhood.

"Do you like that?" he growled.

"Awww fuck yes," she groaned as her back arched as he pushed further into her and she had to grasp the bedsheets "Zak p-p-p-p-p-please fuck me hard."

"As you wish my love," he said. He removed the two fingers from her womanhood and lined his rock hard manhood with her soaking wet womanhood. He reached for the condoms.

"Zak just fuck me please," said Elizabeth.

"As you wish," he said as he pushed into her causing her to gasp and her hips to buck up off the bed. 

He began thrusting into her hard and fast. Causing nothing but moans to escape her lips. The sound of skin against skin and the moans and grunts are the only thing that filled the room. He soon became sloppy with the thrusts but the pace was still fast. She had everything she could to hold onto that last thread of sanity. One final thrust sent her over the edge and she came and came hard on his member. He followed immediately after filling her with his seed. When he pulled out of her both were sweating and panting messes.

She pushed the hair from her face and sighed "That was amazing," she said looking at him.

Zak's POV 

I smiled "I think that was our best love making session yet,"  I said.

She giggled as she snuggled up to me "I think so too. I think It had a lot to do  with those talented fingers of yours. Damn Babe what made you use that as foreplay?" she asked.

I shrugged as I wrapped an arm around her "I don't know," I said as I put my other arm behind my head.

Elizabeth rolled to her stomach and she looks at me "So how about we get dressed and go for that hike and picnic," she giggled "I sorta worked up an appetite." 

"I did too," I said as I wrapped my arms around her "How about we shower and then we will go."

"Yeah I am kinda sweaty," said Elizabeth with a smirk.

"So what do say we go shower?" I said.

Elizabeth nodded and kissed my lips "You have to catch me first," she slipped from my arms and the bed.

I quickly throw the sheets off of me and walked across the bed before giving chase. I grabbed Elizabeth before we even hit the bathroom door "Gotcha," I said.

"Oh darn," grinned Elizabeth.

I chuckled as I picked her up and carried her into the bathroom where we did a bit more than shower.

After the shower and another round in that shower we are getting redressed. 

After we were done we walked downstairs and I went to grab the picnic basket to pack it for the picnic lunch.

"What do you have?" asked Elizabeth as she peers around me.

"Oh no," I said closing the picnic basket "It's a surprise."

"Meanie," she pouts.

"The meanest," I said capturing her lips with mine "Now go and get your sneakers on while I finish packing your birthday picnic lunch."

"Fine," she said playfully rolling her eyes "If I must."

I chuckled as I watched her go to the living room to grab her sneakers.

I shook my head as I finished packing the lunch as well as one special gift. It was a necklace to replace the one I gave her nineteen years ago.

After I got my sneakers on we left the house and I made sure she was no where near the picnic basket. 

"My Love," I said as he opened the car door.

"Thank you," she said standing on tip toe and kissing my lips.

"Your welcome Babe," I said.

I put the picnic basket in the back and I got into the drivers side driving to our hiking spot.

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