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Zak's POV

I shook my head as Elizabeth went about taking stuff out for the tossed salad "Babe just be careful when you cut the veggies," I said.

"A I got cherry tomatoes so I don't cut those and B Mom is here to help me anyways," she said smiling at my Mom. 

Mom smiled back "Now shoo," she said as she came in to help Elizabeth "I am going to show Elizabeth how to make my famous chocolate mousse and it's not for your eyes," Mom began pushing me towards the back door. 

"Mom," I said "I need the meats!"

Elizabeth giggled "Mom let him at least get those after he goes out you can show me your secrets," she said winking at me. 

We both knew how she made it. A package of Jell-O Pudding and container of Cool Whip mixed together. We saw her one day making it back when we were visiting Buffalo and we had snuck into the kitchen to watch her make it. 

I smiled softly at her "Okay Mom," I said "Aaron could I have some help with these two platters?" 

"Sure G," he said coming and grabbing the other platter.

We exit the house and into the backyard. 

Elizabeth's POV

"I know you two already know how to make my chocolate mousse," smiled Nancy "I saw you two spying at the fourth of July picnic back in 2014"

I smiled slightly "You caught us?" I asked.

"Your giggles made it quite obvious," said Nancy with a smile. 

"Well if Zak wouldn't have been tickling me," I said as Zak walked in.

"I was what now," he asked.

"Your mom knows that we know how she makes the chocolate mousse," I said "She heard me giggling because someone had to tickle me."

Zak smiled before wrapping his arms around my waist "Busted," he said kissing my check "But I can't help you're so damn ticklish."

He began tickling me "Zak," I giggled "Stop."

He spun me to face him as he held me gently by the waist "But I don't want to," he said a smirk painting his face as his beautiful eyes danced with mischief.

"Zak," I said tilting my head as I rested my hands gently on his biceps.

"What?" he asked.

"Are you sure you want Aaron manning the grill?" I asked "I love Aaron but we don't need another trip to the hospital today,"  I raised an eyebrow.

"You're right," said Zak with a smile before he kissed my lips quickly "I love you."

"I love you too," I said.

Nancy smiled at us "Okay," she said "It is now girl time," She chased Zak out of the house "Elizabeth?"

"Yes Mom," I said.

"Can I ask a favor of you?" she asked as she sliced the veggies for the tossed salad while I made my homemade salad dressings.

"Of course. You can ask me anything," I said.

"Promise me you'll love Zak?" she said.

"For all time," said  Elizabeth.

"I mean it," said Nancy.

"I do too Nancy," said Elizabeth "I will love Zak until my last breathe and my final heartbeat."

Nancy smiled softly as she put the knife down and put her hand on Elizabeth's cheek "Thank you,"  she said.

Elizabeth placed her hand over Nancy's  "You're welcome," she said "But Mom why are you talking like this?"

"Elizabeth sweetie I am not getting any younger and when I do leave this earth I want to know that my son has someone at his side," said Nancy.

"Mom  are you sick?" asked Elizabeth.

"No sweetheart but I have friends that are sick and it makes me look at life in a different way," said Nancy with a smile returning to cutting the veggies.

Elizabeth nodded but something still nagged at her. What was up with Nancy. Why was she talking like this. Little did Elizabeth or Zak for that matter know what Nancy knew about Zak's Dad Larry.

Later that night.......

Zak's POV

After everyone left Elizabeth and I are laying on our bed watching the Macy's Fourth of July celebration on television. I am playing with her hair as she rested her head on my shoulder. Her injured hand rests lightly on my chest.  I held her gently as I played with her hair. Her leg was wrapped around mine.

"Zak?" she said quiety.

"Mmm," I said.

"Your Mom," she began.

"What about my Mom?" I asked.

"I think there might be something up with her," she said as she sat up to look at me.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"It was just the conversation we had this afternoon," she said brushing the loose strands behind her ear "She basically told me that she wanted me to promise her that I will love you for the rest of all time. She wanted to make sure I would so she knew when she is no longer here on earth."

Seeing the pure concern in her eyes over my Mom made me love her even more.

"Babe. I am sure she just wanted to make sure," I said.

"I know but it still scared me," said Elizabeth.

"Babe," I said taking her into my arms and pulling her close "I don't think there is anything to worry about," I kissed the top of her head "Now try not to worry. Okay?"

She nodded and laid on my shoulder. I watched as she slowly and surly fell sound asleep.I kissed the top of her head before falling asleep myself.

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