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Elizabeth road the elevator down to the lobby with Raya.
"I'm sorry Liz," she said frowning slightly " I know you went there to have it where Zak stopped you."
"Raya he asked for a piece of cake! A fucking piece of cake!!!!" said Elizabeth throwing her hands up "Can you believe that?!"
"Then maybe it's time to let go," said Raya with a small shrug.
Elizabeth groaned "Raya I don't know," she said sighing.
"Liz I wish I had the answers," she said "I do. You're like the big sister I never had. When you hurt I hurt. Maybe once you get back to Vegas. Becky, Ashley and I can come and we can have a girls weekend with Renee and Ryleigh somewhere."
"I'd like that," said Elizabeth smiling "After all I am constantly hanging with the guys. I need my girls."
Raya laughed "Just like we all do," she said as the elevator doors open "I'll call Bex and Ash when I get home. Then I'll text you, Nee and Ryleigh."
"Sounds like a plan," said Elizabeth as they stepped off the elevator.
Both women see Greg Palmer standing there in a gray suit and black tie.
"Woah is that him?" asked Raya.
"Yeah," said Elizabeth nodding.
"Woah he isn't just looking like a snack he's looking like a whole damn meal," said Raya.
"Saraya-Jade!" said Elizabeth giggling.
"What?" she said "It's the truth."
"Shush," said Elizabeth as they walked towards Greg.
"Elizabeth wow," said Greg when he saw her.
"Hope that's a good wow," she said blushing.
"More than good. That wow is like wow breathtaking wow," said Greg looking Elizabeth up and down "You look phenomenal. Even more beautiful than I remember," he smiled.
Raya cleared her throat "Oh Greg this is Saraya-Jade Bevis. Raya this is Greg Palmer," said Elizabeth smiling at the two of them.
"Aren't you Paige?" asked Greg.
"Yes,"  said Raya.

Elizabeth's POV

"Well Liz I will talk to you later," said Raya.
"Bye Raya," I said as she walked towards the exit.
"Ready?" asked Greg.
"Yeah," I said smiling.
"Okay," he said offering his arm and I excepted it "So we are going to the  rehearsal dinner but first obviously it's the wedding rehearsal."
"Obviously," I said smiling as we walked towards the exit "So tell me what is Simon's fiancee's name? Because I don't feel like just calling her Simon's fiancee."
Greg laughed "She wouldn't mind but her name is Vanessa," he said as we walked towards the parking lot. My nude high heels clicking against the sidewalk.
"Okay Vanessa. That's a pretty name," I said.
"Not as pretty as you," he said.
"Greg Palmer," I said "Stop."
"What if I don't want to?" he asked.

Greg's POV

Elizabeth blushed before looking at me "Please," she said "Look I agreed to this one thing. Don't get me wrong you  had my heart when we were teenagers but," she looks at her shoes.
"But I never fully owned your heart right?" I said .
Elizabeth nodded as tears sprung to her eyes "Right," she whispered.
"Look this is just two friends going to a wedding rehearsal and a dinner afterwards. We aren't picking out china," I said.
Elizabeth looked at me and lean in kissing my cheek "Thank you," she whispered.
"So are you ready? " I said opening my rent a car's passenger side door.
"Sure," she said smiling softly at me as she got in.
I sighed as I shut the door. I round the car and got in "Beth?" I said .
"Hmmm," she said looking over at me.
"Tell me something," I began "I know I never fully if ever owned your heart. Why can't you just tell Zak how you feel?"
"Greg it's not that simple," she said "We have told one another how we feel. But we have a road block. Every time we want to take it to the next level either we get interrupted by a knock on the door or he can't bring himself to say what we are about to do make love. I want that. I want the man I have been in love with since I was thirteen to look at me and say make love. I," she sighed "want that is that wrong?"
"No you want that connection. That spark of making love and not just sex. Sex is just that sex. But making love is more than a physical connection but a spiritual one as well," I said.
Elizabeth looked at me wide eyed "Oh my God yes!" she said .
I chuckled "Well it's our Virgo way," I said.

Elizabeth smiled softly at Greg "Yeah I guess," she said .
"Hey I feel that way too. That's why I never pressured you into making love back when we were together," he said "Because one I knew we weren't ready for that kind of relationship and two well quite frankly Beth I knew your heart never belonged to me anyway. I knew it the moment I saw how you looked at Zak at your Sweet Sixteen."
"I'm sorry, " said Elizabeth.
"Don't be," said Greg shaking his head "I get it because well it was the way I looked at you when we were teenagers and well quite frankly how I look at you now."
Elizabeth's eyes widen "Pardon?" she said "Look Greg. I live in Las Vegas. I have become a West Coast girl. You live well I don't know where you live but this won't work."
"Well how do you know if we don't try?! " said Greg running his hand up her leg and under dress.
"Woah. Woah. Woah!" said Elizabeth slapping his hand and shaking her head before holding it "Just five minutes ago you understood this was just friends going to dinner and now this? NO," she shook her head "STOP THE CAR I WANT TO GET OUT! "
Greg saw red and grabbed her wrist and began to squeeze "If you didn't want to go why did you agree to it?!" he growled.
"Owww," she said as tears sprung to her eyes "You're hurting me. LET GO AND STOP THE BLOODY CAR!!!!"
"No," said Greg stepping on the gas. Elizabeth's mind raced and then she remembers something her friend once told her. The parking break. If she was ever in danger pull up the parking break. She grabbed the parking break with her right hand and pulled with everything she had.The car made a horrible screeching sound and came to an abrupt halt. Elizabeth took her spike purse that Raya had given her and hit Greg in the head "Ow fuck," but he released Elizabeth and she was able to get out of the car. She took off down the street and she realized where she was Raya lived one street over. She took off in a dead sprint doing a zig zag pattern.
"HELP!!!!" she screamed as Greg was gaining on her.
Just then a car pulled up "Get in!!!" yells Raya.
She jumped into the car and Raya sped off.
"What?! How?!" said Elizabeth .
"I don't know," said Raya as she pulled into her gated community "Instinct. I just had a bad feeling. Then when you didn't respond to my text right away like you do. I don't know."
"Oh my God thank you Raya," she said hugging Raya tightly once safely inside Raya's house.
"Now what happened?!" said Raya.
Elizabeth shrugged "I don't know one minute he was all okay with us just going as friends and then the next minute it was like switch was flipped and he changed. I knew I shouldn't have went," she said bursting into tears.
"Come on let's call Zak," said Raya.
"No I don't want Zak to know!" she said shaking her head vigorously "He'll hunt Greg down like a fucking Bloodhound and kill him!! I can't lose Zak! Raya I can't lose him!!"
"Okay," said Raya raising her hands up "But how are you going to explain to him why you're here with me?"
"I don't know," said Elizabeth shaking her head "But please don't tell Zak that Greg tried to attack me."
"Then maybe you should stay with me until that wrist heals," she said pointing at Elizabeth's wrist where a clear hand print black and blue was starting to show.
"Oh shit and we have the investigation tomorrow," said Elizabeth laying her head back on the couch "I have to tell him don't I?"
"Imagine if you didn't and he found out some other way! How do you think it would make him feel?" said Raya.
"You're right," she said as she pulled her cellphone out. She unlocked her phone and called Zak "Zak? Can you come get me at Raya's? I will explain once you get here but umm could you come alone?"

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