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April 2017

Today is Zak's fortieth birthday. He is still sound asleep in his bedroom. Elizabeth smirks as she tip toes into the bedroom and jumped onto his bed.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY ZAK!!!" she said .
He opened his eyes and looked at her "Seriously?!" he said.
"Payback Z!" she giggled "Payback," she sat on her heels smiling at him.
"Oh really?!" he said grabbing her around the waist and pulling her next to him on the soft mattress of his king size bed "Payback huh?! I will show you payback," he began tickling her.
"Zak!!!" she said giggling as he threw the blankets off of him and he was only in his boxer briefs "Zak!! " she gasped causing Gracie to come bounding into the bedroom and jumping onto the bed.
Gracie began licking Zak and Elizabeth.
"Gracie!!!" they both yelled as she got between them laying on Elizabeth.
"Gracie I am not hurting Mommy," he said as Gracie laid fully on Elizabeth looking at Zak.
"Yeah Gracie," she said petting the dog's head "It's fine Daddy isn't hurting me."
Gracie studied Elizabeth's face for a moment before placing a kiss from the tip of her chin to the top of her head.
"Gracie," said Zak before Gracie turned and did the same to him "Aw Gracie that was the inside of my mouth you just licked," Elizabeth's hand shot up to her mouth to cover the giggles threatening to explode from her lips "You think that's funny. Do you? I just got French kissed by Gracie," he raised an eyebrow.
"I don't think it's funny at all," she said but her eyes gave her away as they danced with glee.
"Oh I will show you have funny it is!" he said "Gracie excuse me," he moved Gracie and was hovering over Elizabeth she raised an eyebrow as his eyes went from her lips to her eyes before a smirk rose on his face "Then I will show you how funny it is."
"Zak?!" she said her voice raising a few octaves.
He didn't reply but instead kissed her hard on the mouth sinking his tongue into her mouth.
"Now how funny do you think it is?" he said.
"Hey it got you to  french kiss me?" she said smirking.
Zak raised an eyebrow as he looked down at his best friend, his confidant, his heart, his soul mate and ever other adjective you could use to describe someone "Is that why you giggled at me so I would french kiss you?" he said.
"No that was just an awesome bonus," she smiled.

Zak's POV

"An awesome bonus huh?" I said .
Elizabeth giggled and covered her face. But I could see the blush creeping up her cheeks and she couldn't have looked cuter at the moment "Do you want some breakfast?" she asked "Whatever you want I will make," she looks at me " So what do you want? "
"Well," I said laying down next to her "What about we go out for breakfast? My treat."
Elizabeth smiled softly "No Z it's your birthday. It would be my treat," she said.
I smiled and brushed the hair from her face "Well you and I could just stay in," I said.
"Then what do you want for breakfast?!" she asked.
Looking into those green eyes that have made my heart skip a beat for nearly the past twenty three years.
"Well I could say I want you for breakfast," I said.
Elizabeth groaned and pie faced me "No Zak," she said "Seriously what food do you want?"
"Your delicious casserole?" I said with a smile.
"You got it," she said rolling off the bed with Gracie following closely behind her.
"You know I hate to see you go but I love to watch you leave," I said.
Elizabeth shook her head and continued out the room.

Elizabeth's POV

With what happened nearly two months ago it didn't take long for Zak and I to go back to the same sexual tension between us but now it is thicker than ever.
"Gracie you know your Daddy and I are going to be on this will they won't they merry go round forever," I said looking at Gracie who just wagged her tail "I really need a Girl's Night Out with Renee, Ryleigh, Raya, Bex and Ash" I pat Gracie's head before we went downstairs to make Zak's birthday breakfast.

Elizabeth let Gracie out into the backyard to let her do her business before she started to get the ingredients out for the casserole.
Zak came down with gray sweatpants now covering his legs "Where's Gracie?" he said.
"Doing her business," said Elizabeth as she cracked eggs into a bowl and scrambling them "Do you want bacon or sausage?"
"Bacon crumbles," said Zak as he stood by the back door waiting for Gracie to finish her business.
"Okay," said Elizabeth glancing up at Zak as he leaned against the door frame watching Gracie in the backyard. She sighed as she put the pepper into the egg mixture before tossing the bacon crumbles in "Cheddar or the Monterey and Colby Jack mix?"
"Both?" said Zak looking over at Elizabeth .
"Alright, "she said nodding dropping her eyes back to the bowl.
Zak watched Elizabeth busily working on the breakfast casserole. She had her hair pulled up into a bun showing off the neck he had had his lips upon just two months prior when they were about to make love for the first time ever. He sighed.

Zak's POV

Good God I wish we were off the merry go round we are on I thought.
"Zak?" asked Elizabeth breaking my thoughts.
I blinked and realized she was standing in front of me "Where did you go just then?"
"Huh?" I said.
"You seemed a million miles away," she said touching my cheek "Are you coming down with something?! "
Yeah a bad case of loving you  I thought.
"Just thinking," I said tucking the loose strands of hair behind her ears before cupping her face.
"About?" she asked raising an eyebrow.
"This and that," I said.
"Oh what's this and that?" she asked .
"What movie I am going to start with today," I said.
"Oh well if you don't mind I think I might text Renee and Ryleigh to see if they want to hang out," she said.
"Well I would like my best friend to be with me all day for my birthday," I said wrapping an arm around her waist.
"Well if that's what the birthday boy wants then that's what the birthday boy will get," she said smiling up at me as she wrapped her arms around me giving me a hug.
"Good," I said hugging her back.
Elizabeth giggled "Then I guess I don't have to give you what I got you then," she said smiling at me.
"Wait I want that too," I said.
"Of course you do," she said smiling softly at me "Wait here and close your eyes."
"Bizz come on I'm not five!" I said.
"If you want your gift you will," she sing songs.
"Meanie," I pout.
"Sure am," she said smiling at me "Now close those beautiful eyes of yours."
"Fine," I said closing my eyes.
I hear Elizabeth's footsteps pad away and then come back.
"Okay open them," she said "Happy Birthday Zak," She placed a box into my hands "Go ahead open it."
I smiled and sat the box on the kitchen table. I lifted the lid and my mouth dropped "Bizz you didn't," I said staring down at the statue of Gracie "How?" I take it out.
"I have my ways," she said giggling "Remember a magician doesn't reveal their secrets. So do you like it?"
"No," I said.
"Oh," she said looking hurt.
"I don't like it," I said and her face fell "I love it Bizz," I leaned in and kissed her on the lips "Thank you."
Elizabeth smiled brightly at me "You're welcome and I am glad you love it," she said.
"So I have two questions," I said.
"What are the questions?" she asked.
"Well one where do we display this?" I said .
"And two?" she asked with a raised eyebrow .
"How do I repay you in August?" I said smiling at her.
"A puppy?" she asked smiling widely at me.
"A puppy?" I said looking at her with an arched eyebrow .
"Uh huh," she said nodding "Please? I will be your very best friend if we get a puppy."
"Well aren't we already very best friends?! " I teased.
Elizabeth pouted and what she didn't know was that made her even more adorable than she already was "So we can't get a puppy?" she asked giving me the puppy dog eyes.
"Did I say that? Did I say I wouldn't get you a puppy?" I asked.

Elizabeth's POV

"Well no," I said hugging Zak's arm "So you'll get me a puppy for my birthday?!"
"We will see," he said kissing my nose "If we find a puppy at the SPCA."
"Of course I wouldn't want a puppy any other way," I said standing on tip toe and kissed his cheek "So can we start looking? After all my birthday is four months and twenty four days away."
Zak laughed "Wow the countdown already begins huh?" he asked.
"Uh huh," I said nodding.
"Well I guess we can start to put feelers out at the SPCA," said Zak putting the statue on the mantle.
"Yippie," I said throwing my arms around his neck and kissing him on the cheek "Thank you Z!!"
Zak laughed as he grabbed me around the waist picking me up and hugging me tightly "Well my breakfast casserole should be done," he said.
"Oh shit the cheese!!" I said pushing back from Zak and running to the kitchen.

Elizabeth ran into the kitchen and grabbed the shredded cheese from the refrigerator.She put on her pot holders and got the casserole out. She spread the cheese and put it back in the oven.
"Bizz," said Zak smiling "It's fine that you forgot the cheese."
"You're not a Virgo. You don't understand," she said.
"Huh?" asked Zak .
"I'm a perfectionist," she said.
"So that makes you beat yourself up?" asked Zak.
Elizabeth nodded "Yeah I know. It's stupid but Z I do. It's the Virgo way," she said.
Zak kisses her forehead "Well don't," he said.
Elizabeth smiled softly at him "I'll try not to but no guarantees," she said.
"Well to me you're perfect even if you're imperfect," he said holding her face.
"Zak," she whispered with tears in her eyes.
He leaned in and kissed her lips tenderly "Elizabeth," he said as he pulled back and looked at her.
She reached up and caressed his cheek "I adore you," she said.
"And I adore you," he said "Now what do you say we have a fun filled birthday day."
Elizabeth smiled and shook her head "Whatever you want birthday boy," she said.

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