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Zak's POV

Elizabeth turned her attention back to me after Fergal left "Now Zak," she said quietly but sternly "What am I going to do with you?" she smiled softly at me.
"I know," I said burying my face into my hands.
"This whole drinking and bringing home random bimbos has to stop," she said holding my face and looking in my eyes.
"Bizz I know," I said as I laid back on the sofa. She laid back next to me and put her head on my shoulder.
"Zak why are you doing this?" she said taking my hand into hers.
I shrugged "I think it's simple," I said "I drink to forget my feelings for you but even when I am drunk I remember them."
"Zak we agreed that us getting interrupted  a year ago was a sign that we weren't meant to be," she said "at least not yet."
"I know and trust me I get it here," I said pointing at my head "But here," I pointed at my heart "I don't."
Elizabeth sighed "Zak," she said "Why do you have to say stuff like that?" as tears fell from her eyes.
I kissed the top of her head " I always have, " I said.

Elizabeth's POV

"I know you have," I said with a smile "But you know what that does to me," I sat up and looked at Zak "And you know I am with Ferg and I love him."
Zak sat up and looked at me "I know," he said "And it's because I love you that I don't do anything. I believe in that adage If you love something set it free," he said.
"And if it comes back it's meant to be," I said finishing his thought "I know why do you think I have done nothing when you've had girlfriends all these years."
"Ehm Mandy?" said Zak with a smirk.
"Okay I was thirteen and I was being a brat," I said "Besides," I hit him the shoulder "You said it didn't matter."
"I know. It didn't," he said smirking "I am pulling your leg Bizz!!"
"Ass," I said pie facing him.

Zak laughed before pulling Elizabeth into a hug "God Bizz thank you for standing by me," he said.
"Always," said Elizabeth smiling "and I always will you horse's ass."
"Just like I will with you," said Zak smiling at Elizabeth before kissing her forehead and almost instantly he grabbed the bucket and threw up "Aww fuck."
"This is why I am never drinking," she said patting his back.
"Bizz don't take this the wrong way," he said looking at her "but fuck you."
"You wish," she said with a wink and a laugh.
Zak groans before throwing up again "Maybe I won't drink again," he said.
"Right Zak and I am Hermione Granger," said Elizabeth smiling .
Zak glared at Elizabeth "Bizz shut up," he said holding his head.
"Come on Z. I am trying to make light of the situation ," she said smiling at him putting an arm around his shoulders.
"Bizz," he said.
"Z," she said putting her nose against his nose and smiling.
Zak smirks in spite of himself "Bizz," he said softly "Why can't I ever stay mad at you?"
"Because I'm me," she said.
Zak rolled his eyes "Dork," he said "Now excuse me. I think I am going to shower and clean this bucket out."
Elizabeth smiled softly "Okay," she said.

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