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December 2003

Christmas has rolled around again. But this time Zak and Elizabeth aren't stuck in Las Vegas but are at home in Buffalo. They are staying with their respective parents. But right now Zak and Elizabeth are at the mall Christmas shopping.
They round the corner and run smack dap into...

Zak's POV

"Elizabeth?" said Greg Palmer.
"Greg. Hi," said Elizabeth smiling sweetly hugging him "How have you been?"
"Good," he said returning the hug "And you?"
"Good. Loving Vegas so much we aren't leaving, " she said smiling up at me.
"So you two finally are a couple?" he asked .
"No," she said "Just best friends and roommates."
"Really here we all thought you two would be together," he said.
"Who's we?" I asked slipping my arm around Elizabeth's waist as I can sense her tension building.
"Me," said Justin Tucker.
"Justin," she said curtly.
"Oooh still holding resentment I see," he said.
"Well yeah," said Elizabeth "What was your first fucking clue? You made me look like an ass when we were in school. Countless times. Luckily I had Z at my side," she smiled at me and I gave her a quick kiss to the temple .
"Come on Bizz," I said giving her side a quick squeeze "Let's go."
"Alright Z," she said as she grabbed my hand.
"Right. Not a couple but I bet friends with benefits," said Justin loudly enough for us to hear it.
I saw red and turned back to him. I had him easily by five inches.
"Mind repeating that?" I growled.
"Zak please," said Elizabeth grabbing my arm.
"Gladly," sneered Justin "Not a couple but I bet friends with benefits."
" That's what I thought you said, " I said grabbing Justin by the jacket.
"Zachary Alexander Bagans!" said Elizabeth stomping her foot. I turned to her and she gave me a look that I knew wasn't good. I let go of Justin "Let's just go," she took my arm.
"Ha he just wants to continue to get that pussy," said Justin with a smirk.
I never seen the look Elizabeth had on her face at this moment. It was a mixture of hurt and pure and utter anger.
"Excuse me?!" she growled.
"Woah Dude that wasn't called for," said Greg shaking his head "Even if they are friends with benefits it isn't our business."
"I said what I said," said Justin.
"Yep I am not saving your ass," said Greg stepping back.
"Zak," she said letting go of my arm "Sic him!"
I smiled at her "Naw he ain't worth it Bizz," I said. Justin let out a breath "But you are!" I turned and slugged him in the stomach "Now what were you saying?"
Justin is double over and gasping for air "Fuck you!" he said.
"Zak," she said smiling and giving me a hug and kiss square on the lips "Thank you for being my knight in shining armor."
I held onto her and smiled "Always," I said "Now let's go."
"You should have shut the fuck up," said Greg as we started to leave " You know how protective he is of her and well it's actually really kind of sweet. If I had a sister I would want her to have someone in her life like that. "
Justin looks at Greg "No I have every right to say what I want," he said.
"Just because you've never scored with me or with anyone else," said Elizabeth spinning on her heel and getting in his face "Doesn't give you the right to say anything about my sex life or Zak's sex life. To answer your question. No we aren't friends with benefits and we have never slept together. Do both of us want a relationship? Of course we do. But Zak being the gentleman he is. He is letting me heal my heart from it being broken by an asshole I gave my everything to! "
"Bizz," I said placing a hand on her shoulder. I felt her instantly relax underneath my touch.

Elizabeth's POV

I leaned back into Zak and sighed as he wrapped an arm around me and kissed the top of my head "It's okay you don't ever have to explain yourself to a jackass," he said.
I nodded "I know," I said " But he was tarnishing your name and no one and I mean no one will ever do that in my presence and even not in my presence. I will bring the wrath of hell upon them. "
Zak laughed "My little protector," he said as his arm moved to my waist "Now let's go Bizz."
I nodded and he lead me away from our past and into our future.

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