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April 8, 2019
Narrator's POV

Zak and Elizabeth are packing for their two weeks in Sadona, Arizona.

"Zak?" said Elizabeth as she packed her suitcase with all that she was going to need.

"Yeah Babe," he said.

"Can I play some music while we pack?" she asked.

"Babe you don't have to even ask," he said with a smile kissing her temple "I don't care whatcha play either."

She smiled tenderly at him as she started the Soundtrack Love Songs and Have You Really Loved A Woman by Bryan Adams. Zak stopped what he was doing and took the clothes from Elizabeth's hands and placed them down and they began to do a tango. Yeah they had kept up those dance lessons.

"Zak," she smiled at him.

"What can't I tango with my beautiful girlfriend?" he asked.

"Well yes you can but we have to pack," she said.

Zak's POV

"Well we can pack after the song can't we?" I asked.

"Okay," she said.

"Okay then," I said dipping her and causing her to smile up at me.

"Zak, you're a dork," she said.

"Yeah but I am your dork," I said with a smile as I bring her back up and kissed her forehead.

"Well that's true," she said.

"You better believe it's true," I grinned as she shook her head "I love you but you're a dweeb. Can we get back to packing now please?"

"Of course," I said as I  pulled her to me and I gently pecked her lips "I will be back I am going to go order lunch."

"Alright," she said offering me a warm and soft smile.

I winked at her and grabbed my cellphone. I was going to order lunch but I also had a few surprises planned for Sadona, Arizona myself.

Elizabeth's POV

So as I packed I am listening to my Spotify Love Songs playlist when I quickly grabbed the present I was going to give Zak when we got to Sadona. It was something I made and something he has wanted for awhile.

"Babe!!!" shouts Zak "Italian, Mexican or Chinese?!"

"What do you think?!!!" I shout back.

"Italian," he yells.

"Bingo!!!" I said.

Zak laughed "Always so predictable!" he said "Let me guess Chicken Parmesan!"

"You're wrong," I said coming to the top of the stairs "I want Chicken Alfredo with broccoli and a nice side salad."

"Okay sounds good," said Zak with a smile "Wanna finish packing after dinner?!"

"No I almost done," I said.

"Oh alright. Let me order and then I will be upstairs!" said Zak.

"Okay," I said blowing him a kiss.

Narrator's POV

Elizabeth skipped back into the bedroom before covering Zak's present with her t-shirts.

"Bizz?" said Zak as he came back in "Our dinner will be here in an hour."

"Okay," she said with a smile "So tell me something what did you order? You're normal Ravioli?"

"Nope. I got the same thing as you," said Zak "Right down to the salad."

Elizabeth smiled softly at Zak "Really," she said "Have to copy me huh?!" she playfully teased.

"Of course I do," said Zak as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Always," she playfully rolled her eyes "I am surprised you haven't wanted a period."

"Well that doesn't sound fun," said Zak with a smirk.

Elizabeth giggled "But you can wear sweats and eat a ton of ice cream," she said.

"Well as fun as that sounds I would rather not," he teased.

"You're right about that the only good thing about a period is knowing you're not pregnant," she said "I am always happy when I get it."

"Especially the amount of times we make love without protection," said Zak as he raised an eyebrow "Maybe like no-" Ding Dong "nevermind."

"Oh well," said Elizabeth as she slipped from his arms and skipped from the room "Maybe later!" she calls over her shoulder.

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