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August 2003

Today is Elizabeth's twenty first birthday.Zak and Elizabeth had bought a house and moved into it about six months ago. She was a senior now at U of Nevada at Las Vegas. She is still majoring in business with a minor in event planning.
Zak quietly tip toes into Elizabeth's bedroom and jumped onto the bed.
"Happy Birthday Bizz!!!" he yells bouncing on the bed.
"Z what are you doing?" groaned Elizabeth.
"They say it's your birthday!!" sang Zak before Elizabeth grabbed an extra pillow and threw it at him.
"Go away," said Elizabeth covering her head with another pillow.
"Come on you're twenty one. I have twenty one things planned," he said taking away the pillow.
Elizabeth opened one eye "One of those twenty one things better be leaving me the fuck alone until noon," she grumbled.
"Nope," said Zak popping the p.
"Zak please," said Elizabeth opening her other eye and rolling on her back.
Zak straddles her "Come on Bizz," he said "I want to take you to breakfast then I have things planned. Please!!!"
Elizabeth smiled up at Zak "You're paying on your thirtieth birthday Z," she said.
"Good," he said "I want to pay."
"You do realize I have just under four years to plan right? " asked Elizabeth raising an eyebrow.
"I do," he said bending forward and kissing her nose "Now get up. Get showered and get dressed your day is just starting."
"Fine," said Elizabeth smiling up him again.
"Good," he said smiling back.
"Now can you get off of me so I can do those things please?" she said with an arched eyebrow.
"What if I don't want to?" he asked .
"Well," she said a smirk forming on her lips as she lifted her hips and grinded them into his hips.
Zak groans "Bizz what are you doing?" he said holding her wrists .
"What do you mean what am I doing?" she purrs as she grinds her hips into his.
"Elizabeth do not start the car you can't drive," he growled.
She giggled "Then get off of me," she said smiling.
"Fine," said Zak growling getting off of Elizabeth " But you're going to pay dearly," Elizabeth smirks as she threw the blankets off of her to reveal she was only in a t-shirt, well Zak's t-shirt and a pair of boy short panties "Really?! How the fuck do you look better in my shirt than I do?!"

Zak's POV

Elizabeth smiled at me "Well your muscles helped stretch it out," she said leaning onto the bed "You better fix that in your own room Z."
I looked down and growled at her "Look at what you do to me," I said.
"Oops," she said winking at me before turning and skipping away from me. I watched her move about the room "You know watching me isn't going to help you with your erection right? It's just going to make it harder," she sing songs "especially since I get naked before I go into the bathroom."
I licked my lips "I don't mind," I said .
"Zak Bagans I am not undressing in front of you!" she said turning to look at me with her hands on her hips "Get the fuck out of here! And jack off so your not walking around with wood the entire day."
I looked at her my mouth hanging open "Elizabeth!" I said .
"What?" she said shrugging " Because you and I aren't having sex to fix the problem. "
"Well we could," I said smirking.
"Zak," she said exasperated.
"I'm just saying," I said.
Elizabeth purses her lips and crossed her arms. I knew the buttons to push to get her going. I knew full well we weren't going to be having sex. That was for sure we weren't going to be intimate until we both could say we were making love.
"Zachary Alexander Bagans!" she said raising an eyebrow.
"That's my name and that's the name you'll be screaming," I said standing up.
"Oh for fucks sake you made yourself harder!" she said rolling her eyes at me.
I looked down and yeah my hard on had gotten harder.
"Oh well ," I said with a shrug "Excuse me."

Elizabeth's POV

I shook my head as Zak left to take care of what I had started but he had finished by all that talk. We were more playful than ever with that kinda talk but we weren't going to act on it. At least not until we could both say make love and not just call it sex. We wanted to have a relationship but right now neither one of us is there yet. I am still protecting my heart at all costs and Zak was allowing me to do that.
We both date but neither one of us is serious with anyone.
And yes I knew full well what Zak was doing with pushing my buttons and well it worked because I was wetter than an ocean between my legs.Ugh I hope it's soon when we both can say let's make love all night long because this sexual tension between us was driving me up a fucking wall.
I went into my attached bathroom as Zak had given me the master bedroom when we moved in. There was no coin flip, no rock, paper, scissors for it he just said 'Bizz you have the master bedroom.' I needed a cold shower asap.

Zak and Elizabeth got ready for the day. Now Elizabeth had no idea what they were doing so she got dressed in blue denim shorts, a neon purple spaghetti strap tank top and a cute pair of sandals. She wore a high ponytail and minimal make up. Zak stood in the living room after taking care of what he and Elizabeth had caused and showering. He wore a tight fitting black t-shirt, baggy black jeans and black sneakers.

Zak's POV

"You know Z that's the biggest difference between you and I," said Elizabeth walking into the living room. I looked up and I think my eyes must have almost popped out of my head "Z put your eyes back in their sockets," she giggled.
"Huh?" I said looking Elizabeth up and down before a huge smile came on my lips.
"Put those eyes back in their sockets," she said grabbing my chin and quickly kissing my lips.
She pulled away before I had a chance to even react "Why did you break that?" I pouted.
"Thought it would snap you back," she said smiling and winking "Now as I was saying. That's the biggest difference between you and I, Z."
I raised an eyebrow "What do you mean?" I said.
"Look at me," she said waving a hand up and down her body which she didn't have to ask twice I checked her out more than once "and then look at you?" I looked at myself.
"And?" I said.
"Black and nothing but. Me color," she said wrapping my arms around her waist before wrapping her arms around my waist. She looks up at me with a soft smile "What am I going to do with you?" I smiled down at her before kissing her lips and she pulled back "Z," she sighed .
"What it was a birthday kiss," I said.
She rolled her eyes "Idiot," she said smiling and unwrapping her arms from waist "Now can we go eat?! I am starving."
I nodded before unwinding my arms from her waist and grabbed her hand "Let's go," I said.

Elizabeth's POV

I followed him like a puppy. I can't help it I always have followed him like a puppy.
"Zak?" I said as I grabbed a light sweater and my purse "Can you at least give me a tiny hint as to what we are doing? "
"Bizz what part of surprise don't you get," he said wrapping an arm around my waist and kissing my cheek.
"Fine," I said with a small sigh as he opened the door. I climbed in the car and I saw Zak look down my tank top "Like what you see?"
"I uhh," he said.
"Calm down Z," I giggled.
"Sorry," said Zak blushing.
I caressed his cheek before tapping it lightly "I said calm down. Now please get in and drive me wherever you are taking me," I said .

Zak grabbed Elizabeth's hand and kissed her palm. He took her to the small café he took her to the first day she arrived in Vegas. Then her fun filled birthday consisted of dirt biking and going to the SPCA among other things. She definitely had a good twenty first birthday without drinking.

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