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"Zak why do you say stuff like that?" asked Elizabeth looking up at Zak.
"It's true," said Zak " I have always considered you the one but the fates seem to be playing against us."
"Well I for one think the fates suck," said Elizabeth pouting "If they can't see we're meant to be then they are stupid too."
Zak reached up and tucked her hair behind her ears "I agree," he said.
"Then why can't you just say screw it and say make love?!" asked Elizabeth tearing up again .
Zak swallowed hard and rubbed the back of his neck "I don't know," he said with a shrug "my heart can say it but my head can't!!! I don't know why!!! I don't know why my head is protecting my heart from you," his fight against tears is lost "because my head and my heart both know that I love you more than life itself. Maybe my head is protecting you from heartbreak I don't know."
"Me from heartbreak? From you?! How?!" said Elizabeth confused "I know you'd never break my heart. You and I want the same things in life. I don't need a marriage certificate to tell me who I am supposed to love for the rest of my life and I certainly don't want or need kids to make my life complete . I have friends who have kids who satisfy the need to have little kids in my life."
"I know that Bizz. I do," said Zak sitting down at the kitchen table "I don't know what to tell you. I want you more than you'll ever know. I fall in love with you more and more each day. But there is one thing that stops us and it's the one thing you need to hear me say. That I'll make love to you. I just can't bring myself to say that. Again I don't know why," he said as Elizabeth took out the casserole.
She dropped it to the stove "Fuck Zak we're going nowhere with this conversation!" she said throwing up her hands "I've got to get out of here for a bit."
Zak watched as she threw the pot holders down and storms upstairs. The slamming of her bedroom door made him jump. Gracie put her head on his knee and looked up at him.
"I know I fucked up Gracie you don't have to look at me that way. I know I fucked up with Mom," he said petting the dog's head.


Elizabeth is on her cellphone FaceTiming with her other best friend Renee Paquette as she stuffs clothes into a duffle bag.
"Renee I don't know what to do," she said.
"I don't know what to tell you either Beth," said Renee.
"I called Bex and I am going to hang out with her in Venice Beach for a while," she said "Just get away from Vegas altogether."
"Now Beth isn't that kinda drastic?" asked Renee.
"I can't be around Zak right now Renee. My head and my heart are fighting each other. My head is saying fool forget him but my heart is saying don't let go hold onto the end," said Elizabeth .
"Okay Sandra Dee," said Renee rolling her eyes at her.
" Okay yes I quoted Grease but I can't help it Nee! I am Hopelessly Devoted to Zak! " said Elizabeth as a knock came on the door.
"Bizz can I come in?" pleaded Zak.
" It's Zak! " said Elizabeth.
"No," said Renee sarcastically "I thought it was Roman Reigns."
Elizabeth looked at Renee "Hardy har har," she said "What do I do?!"
" Oh here's a novel idea answer the door, " said Renee.
"Gee why didn't I think of that," said Elizabeth sarcastically .
"Bizz come on I know you're in there! You're either A talking to Renee or Ryleigh about me or you've lost your damn mind because I can hear you talking," said Zak.
"Renee I got to go," said Elizabeth.
"Good Luck Beth," said Renee as they hung up.

Zak's POV

It seems like forever before Elizabeth opened her door.
"You knocked," she said as she opened the door.
"I did," I said not waiting for her to step aside I walked into her bedroom and noticed the duffle bag on her bed "Where are you going?"
"I'm going to Venice Beach for a vacation," she said "I called Bex and I am joining her for a week a fun and sun. Besides what's it to you anyhow?"
She walked to her closet and pulled out her suitcase and threw it on the bed.
"Elizabeth don't you think you're being a bit dramatic?!" I said .
Her head snapped up and she glares at me "I am being dramatic?! What about you?!" she said throwing her arms up in the air " My head is saying one thing my heart another, " she mimics my voice. I looked at her and what she doesn't get or even know is I find her even more attractive when she has the fiery temper "Well say something!!!"
"Something," I said cracking a joke but judging by the look she gave me it was a bad time to crack one "Sorry," I mumbled.
"See everything is a joke to you," she said "I pour my heart out to you and you either crack a joke or make up some damn fucking excuse as to why we can't be together yet, " she made air quotes around yet.
"Then go ahead leave! That's what you do best anyways!!! Maybe you were right all those years ago! Maybe you are the reason all your relationships failed because no one could ever live up to your idea of the perfect man!" I screamed "So go to Venice Beach! Stay in Venice Beach for all I care! "

Zak storms from the room and slammed the door. Elizabeth stood there numb before running to the door but she stopped short from opening the door. Zak stopped and stared at the door. What had he done?! Why did he say that to her? Okay this was the first fight they ever had and boy was the saying right words do sting.
Elizabeth's lower lip quivered before she burst into tears and fell to the floor sobbing uncontrollably.
Zak raised his hand and made a fist ready to knock again. But he heard the heartbreaking sobs coming from the other side of the door. He had one hand on the doorknob but as he was about to turn it the door was locked.
"Bizz come on!!" he said.
"No!" said Elizabeth as she slid down the door and she pulled her knees up to her chest " You made it perfectly clear what I actually mean to you!! You told me to go and stay in Venice Beach!!!! "
"Bizz come on I was angry and it was in the heat of the moment. Please open up," he said "Gracie is starting to stare at me ," he slid down the door and sat .Gracie laid next to him and let a loan whimper "See even Gracie is upset we're fighting. S -So please let me in," he begged.

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