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Zak's POV

We walked back to her car. It had begun to sprinkle as we walked.
"Oooh I think it will be a perfect night for horror movies," said Elizabeth grabbing my hand "What do you think?" she walked backwards .
"You and horror movies?" I said .
"Well seeing as I soundly kicked your ass," she said smirking "It's the least I could do."
I smiled as I twirled her as the rain came down a bit harder.
"Come on," I said putting her onto my shoulder and running to the car.
"Zak I have to unlock the door," she said.
I sat her on her feet as the rain came pouring down harder than ever before. She quickly unlocked the door and got in and quickly leaned over and unlock my door.
"Wow we really have a knack of getting caught in the rain," I said.
"I guess we do," she said smiling at me "What do you say we get home and out of these wet clothes."
"Sounds like a plan," I said as I noticed the goosebumps forming on her legs.
"Yes it does," she said blasting the heat.
She backed up and turned the wheel to get out of the parking lot.

Elizabeth's POV

I turned the radio on and began tapping the wheel to Bye Bye Bye by NSYNC.
"Bizz really?" asked Zak .
"What?" I said .
"NSYNC?!" he said.
"Well I could blast Backstreet Boys if you want," I said batting my eyelashes at him.
"Oh so you can fawn over Nick Carter?" he said.
"Uh huh," I said with a smirk "Why does that bother you?!"
"No," he said "Why would it bother me? He's married and has a son. So it's just a crush," he crossed his arms over his chest.
"Aww Z you're jealous," I teased.
"No I'm not," he said shaking his head.
"Yeah you are!!" I said with a laugh as I turned into our gated community.
"No I am NOT !!!" he said.

Elizabeth giggled "You're so jealous you can taste it!!" she said smiling at him.
He turned and glares at her "No I am not!!" he said "Why would you want a boy when you have a man sitting right here?"
Elizabeth rolled her eyes "Oh brother," she said as she parked her car in the driveway. She shut the car off "Ready to go Man?" she smirked at him.
Zak laughed "If you're not afraid you're going to melt," he said .
"Zak if I was going to melt I would have by now," she said as thunder rolled overhead causing her to jump.
"You okay?" he said. She shook her head 'no' and was visibly shaken "Bizz," he grabbed her face and she looks at him "You've got me."
She nodded "I know," she said.
"Come on Bizz," he said "We can make a break for the house.On the count of three."
Elizabeth nodded "Okay," she said.
"One," said Zak.
"Two," said Elizabeth.
"Three," said Zak and they opened the doors before slamming them and took off towards the house. Zak got the house keys out of his front pocket and opened the door quickly. They got into the house.
Thunder clapped overhead again. Elizabeth jumped into Zak's arms.
"It's okay," he said stroking her hair. Elizabeth looked up at him and she felt her breath hitch in her throat. She licked her lips quickly and draws back from Zak. But another thunder clap came and she jumped clinging onto Zak like there was no tomorrow "Z is here."
"Zak?" said Elizabeth looking up at him and he looked down into her eyes "Zak," she almost whispered .
Without a word Zak leans down and connected their lips. She wrapped her arms around his neck as she deepened the kiss. He pulled her closer wrapping his arms around her waist. He lifted her and wrapped her legs around his waist. He carried her to the couch and sat down without ever breaking the kiss. His hands explored her body as her hands flung his hat off before she ran her fingers into his hair as he made a meal out of neck.
"Elizabeth," he said.
"Zak," she said "I don't care what you call it! It's time for you to make it up to me."
He drew back from her neck where black and blues were already starting to form "Really?" he said.
She nodded "Yes," she said smiling at him cupping his face before connecting their lips again. His hands slowly began to take off her flowing tank top. She stopped the kiss and sat back allowing him to remove the tank top he dropped it to the floor. He bit his lip as he took her in. His hands of leather turned to velvet in a touch (yes this is from That Summer by Garth Brooks) as he caressed her stomach before she leaned back and he began kissing her down her jaw to her neck to her breasts. He placed a kiss over her heart. She smiles as she sat back up and looked into his eyes "My turn," she smiled softly as she began to remove his t-shirt. He smiled as she slowly removed his t-shirt dropping it next to her tank top.She kissed his jaw down his neck down his chest before placing a kiss over his heart. He took her hair down and she smiled before brushing it behind her ear.
"My room or yours," he said.
"Does it really matter?" she asked.
"No," he said shaking his head as he stood up with her in his arms.
She smiles as she ran her fingers through his hair "Zak," she said softly.
"Elizabeth," he said kissing her lips as he climbed the steps to the second floor. He carries her to his room but as he is reaching for the doorknob. There is a loud knock on the door.
Both groan and Zak set Elizabeth on her feet as he walked back downstairs. After Zak disappears downstairs Elizabeth groaned before going to her bedroom. This was definitely a sign that it wasn't meant to happen. Yep yet again they got stopped from taking their relationship to the next level.

Zak's POV

I went downstairs and opened the door and no one was there. I stepped out and there is still no one there.
"What the actual fuck?!" I said my hands on my hips.
I shook my head and went back into the house. Okay what the hell is going on. I went upstairs "Bizz?!" I called out.
"What?" she asked coming out of her bedroom with her hair up in a towel. She has changed into her pajamas.
"You changed?!" I said .
"Yeah," she said "Who was at the door?"
"Well you're not going to believe it," I said.
"Try me. We do live in a haunted house," she said.
"It was absolutely nobody," I said.
She rolled her eyes "See it's a sign we weren't meant to make love yet again," she said "Let's just order some food and watch movies like we planned on doing anyways."
She went back into her room and I stood there rooted to the spot. She was right the fates once again conspired against us. Damn I really wish the fates would just allow us to make love already!!!
She came back out her hair in a bun and her silk bathrobe tied loosely around her waist.
"I'm craving Italian can we order from Luigi's?!" she said.
"Huh?!" I said .
"I want Italian can we order from Luigi's?" she said.
"Oh uh yeah," I said.
"Zak are you still in those wet clothes? " she said with a raised eyebrow.
"What?!" I said .
"Your clothes. They are the ones that we got caught in the rain in. Go change I will order the usual from Luigi's," she said "Just toss your wet clothes over the ledge and I will start a small load of laundry."
"Ooh okay," I said as I went to my room the room we were just about to enter to make love (ugh why can't I just say that to Elizabeth?!!) when once again interrupted by a knock on the damn door!!!!

Elizabeth and Zak reluctantly agreed that once again this was a sign it wasn't their time yet. So like planned the ate dinner and watched movies all night long well until Elizabeth fell asleep on Zak's shoulder and he carried her to her bed and laying her down. Kissing her cheek before leaving and going to his own bedroom.

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