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Elizabeth's POV

We get back into Zak's car. I pulled the visor down to admire the locket. 

"It looks beautiful on you," said Zak as I placed the nineteen year old locket into the box the new one came in. 

"Thank you Zak," I said leaning over and kissing his cheek "I love it and this has so much meaning for us. I mean the picture inside."

Zak chuckled "I knew what you meant. It was when we finally stopped beating around the bush and we finally made love for the first time," he smiled.

"It was the first of many on that trip," I smiled "Our first real I love you. Our first everything."

Zak smiled taking my hand and kissing it. Before lacing our fingers and placing them on the middle console "Yes that haunted asylum investigation was so good to us," he said as he pulled into the parking lot of the ATV park. He put the car into a parking spot before he shut the car off "Ready to get your ass kicked Babe?" 

"Oh Honey you have that wrong," I said as I unbuckled "You're getting your ass kicked and I am getting my dream closet."

"Babe let's face it you're getting that anyway," said Zak "I have Stan coming next week with the sketches."

"I-I-I-I-I-I he is?" I said looking at Zak.

"Yeah," he said "Happy Birthday Babe," he quickly kissed my lips.

"Then I guess I will have to come up with something else," I said.

Zak's POV

I raised my eyebrow "Oh really?" I said.

Elizabeth bit her lip "Yeah really," she giggled "Since I am already getting my dream closet."

"You know you're adorable with that lip biting, It's also so God damn sexy," I said "So what is you side of the bet?" 

"Hmmm," she said tapping her chin "I think it will be you take me on surprise trip. I don't care where but you have to plan it and we have to leave the state of Nevada. Those are the only two rules."

"Deal," I said putting my hand up.

"Deal," said Elizabeth shaking my hand.

I chuckled as we got out of the car. I put my arm around her waist as we walked to the ATV place. Bryan smiled as we walked in.

"Hi guys," he said with a smile.

"Hey Bryan," we said. 

"Happy Birthday Beth," said Bryan as he handed me a card before coming around the counter to give me a hug "I am so sorry I couldn't make it to your party on Saturday but I had to work."

"Bryan don't worry about it," I said returning the hug.

"Here let me get the keys," said Bryan as I put the card into my purse.

Zak and I walked up to the counter. Zak put his hand into my back pocket when Bryan's back was to us and gave it a quick squeeze. I jumped and looked at him. He winked and smirked. I arched an eyebrow and smacked him on the arm.

"What?" he whispered in my ear.

"You know what?" I whispered back to him.

"Oh you mean squeezing your ass?" he asked with cocky smirk.

"Yes," I whispered before I slipped my hand into his back pocket and squeezed his ass. 

"Babe," he said in a stern voice with a raised eyebrow.

"Turn about is fair play my love," I smirked.

Zak let out a low growl before roughly kissing my ear "Knock it off now," he said "Or I am dragging you into the bathroom to teach you a lesson."

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