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November 1994

At the end of that day of when Roger cut Elizabeth with words like a knife. Zak found her sitting on the bench near the exit of the school.
"Are you ready Bizz?" he asked.
Elizabeth nodded "I am," she said not looking at him.
"Hey," said Zak lifting her chin and she looks up at him with tears in her eyes "Oh Bizz. Come here," he opened his arms wide and she stood up falling into them. Elizabeth began crying again. Zak held her close and let her cry "Come on Bizz let's go home."
Elizabeth nodded "Okay," she said. Zak lead her outside and to his car.
"Bizz," said Zak before he started the car.
"Hmmm," said Elizabeth looking over at Zak.
He reached over and tucked her hair behind her ear.
"Don't ever wonder how beautiful you are because you are inside and out," said Zak his hand still on her cheek.
"Oh Zak," she said placing a hand on his wrist.
"Bizz," said Zak leaning forward and kissed her forehead before taking her face into his hands.
Their eyes connected and neither one moved their eyes from the other. They don't know what to think.
"Zak," whispered Elizabeth.
Before Zak even knew what he was doing he leaned in and kissed Elizabeth on the lips. She pulled back and held her hand over her lips.
"Oh my God," said Zak turning and putting his hands on the steering wheel "I am so sorry."
"Zak don't be," said Elizabeth grabbing Zak's chin and turning his face towards her "Thank you for making my first kiss memorable."
Zak blushed "You're welcome," he said.
"I think I better ," said Elizabeth " Can you get me home now? "
Zak chuckled "Of course. Bizz?" he said.
"Don't worry our secret," she said.

Zak's POV

"I am still sorry," I said .
Elizabeth sighed "Zak I said it was fine," she said "It will be our secret," she held up a pinkie "promise."
I hooked my finger with hers "Promise," I said as we kissed our thumbs then pretended to spit.
"Now can I get home please?" asked Elizabeth with a smirk.
I nodded "Of course," I said.
I started the car and drove Elizabeth home. She smiles before getting out "I will see you tomorrow morning?" she said.
"Duh of course," I said.
"Great," said Elizabeth kissing my cheek " Bye Zak."
"Bye," I said as Elizabeth got out. Like I have for nearly the past month made sure she got into her house . At the front door she turned and waved at me.
Once she went in I drove away and I quickly drive to my older sister's apartment. I needed to talk to someone and my sister Meredith was the person I knew I could talk to without judgment.

Zak drives to his sister Meredith's apartment.
"Hi Zak," she said opening the door.
"Hi Mere. Can I talk to you?" he said.
"Of course," she said as she stepped aside to let her younger brother in.
"Mere I screwed up with Bizz," he said.
"Oh Zak you guys didn't?" asked Meredith .
"What?!" asked Zak looking at Meredith " No. NO!" he shook his head "Nothing at all I like that. I kissed her."
"Like kissed kissed her?" asked Meredith.
Zak nodded "Yes," he said.
"What were you thinking?!" asked Meredith slugging Zak in the shoulder .
"I don't know," said Zak flopping on the couch "She had had a bad day. I was comforting her in the car. I was holding her face and our eyes connected," Zak sighed "the next thing I know I was leaning in and I kissed her. A quick kiss but a kiss none the less."
" Zak you better not tell anyone else other than me. Mom will kill you if Mr and Mrs Stachura don't first. You're SEVENTEEN and Elizabeth's TWELVE!!!"
"Don't you think I know that?!" said Zak "Bizz and I made a pact not to say anything."
"Yet you came and told me? Zak what the actual hell are you thinking?!"
" Mere I don't know. Jake has even called me out on Bizz and my closeness. He said he doesn't think Bizz and I, " said Zak.
"Let me guess. That in the future you and Elizabeth will be more than best friends. Am I right?" asked Meredith.
Zak nodded "Yes," he said "I told him that was crazy!" he said.
"Why?" asked Meredith "You two can't get together at this present moment but when she's eighteen. You can't say."
"Oh great you and Jake both have Bizz and I being soul mates," he said running his hands over his face.
Meredith laughed "Hey if you do at least I will like your girlfriend," she said with a smile.
Zak looks at his older sister "Gee thanks Mere. You've been a great help," he said sarcastically .

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