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Elizabeth's POV

I am in my hotel room getting ready for what I guess you could call a date with my ex boyfriend. I am on FaceTime with Renee and Ryleigh who are in Vegas. While Raya is in the room with me as she lives fifteen minutes away from the hotel we are currently staying in.
"Girls I don't know," I said as I was doing my makeup in the vanity  mirror and the phone was propped up against some books "Am I doing the right thing?"
Two yeses and one no.
"No?" said Renee, Raya and I.
"Exactly no. You're in love with Zak!! You've told him you're hopelessly devoted to him," said Ryleigh.
"Well that's true, " I said "Maybe I shouldn't."
"Oh my God Ryleigh" said Raya "Don't talk Liz out of it! Zak told her to go! Matter of fact he has told her to find someone who can say make love and not just sex!"
I turned towards Raya "She's got a point too," I said standing.
Renee groaned "Oh my God you two are like the Angel and the Devil on the shoulders!!! Do it! Don't do it!!" she said faceplaming herself "Seriously Beth do what you feel is right. Don't let Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum over here influence you in any way."
"Hey!" said Ryleigh and Raya.
I sighed "Well I did promise Greg I would go and it's just one time. But I am in love with Zak and it feels like I am cheating on him if I do go with Greg," I said "Aw fuck I am so confused," I flopped  onto the bed "Jesus take the wheel!!!"
Raya laughed "Liz come on. It's not cheating if Zak told you to go," she said laying next to me.
"Yes it is!!" said Ryleigh .
"Oh my God I am not going to be a part of this Angel and Devil thing anymore. I am going. Call me whenever you figure this out. Bye," said Renee hanging up.
I looked to where Ryleigh was the only one left on the phone and then over at Raya. Renee was right. Ryleigh was the "Angel" in this scenario with her light brown sugar colored hair and light brown eyes and minimal makeup and Raya with her jet black hair and dark green eyes and dark makeup well it was obvious she is the "Devil" in it.
"Guys I am so messed up!!!" I sobbed.


Zak's POV

"I can't believe she agreed to go with him," I said.
"In her defence you told her to go," said Jay whose sitting on the bed in my hotel room .
"Yeah but she didn't have to agree to go!" retorted Billy sitting on a chair.
"Aaron?" I said "Dakota?"
"I am staying out of this whole situation,"  said Aaron holding up his hands " You've already got your Angel and Devil on the shoulders covered."
"Ditto," said Dakota.
"What's that suppose to mean?" asked Jay.
"Yeah," said Billy.
"Oh in her defence," said Aaron mimicked Jay's voice.
"And?" said Jay "Beth doesn't have a ring or a steady boyfriend," he shot me a look "So she is free to date whomever she damn well pleases."
"But we all know," said Billy.
"Shut it Bill she told us that in confidence!" said Aaron.
I looked at three guys whom over the past thirteen years have become like brothers to me and poor Dakota sits there looking utterly confused.
"What are you talking about?!" I said.
"Nevermind," said Billy shaking his head.
Could it be that Elizabeth like me being completely hopelessly in love with her. Could it be she is completely hopelessly in love with me?! Yes she said in the past she's hopelessly devoted to me but that was our relationship we are devoted to each other in all the ways one could be except one and that's the one she needs that she craves.
"Zak?" said Aaron snapping his fingers in front of me "Beth is here."
"Huh?" I said .
"Beth," said Aaron pointing to Elizabeth standing in the middle of the room.
"Wow," I said looking at her.
She was beautiful. Her chocolate brown hair up in a french twist with wisps of hair framing her face. Her makeup is soft and the dress oh the dress a beautiful red and black lace halter cocktail dress.
"Zak?" she said placing a hand on my cheek. I looked up at her "Are you okay?"
"Huh?" I said swallowing hard still taking in the beauty before me.
"Are you sick?" she asked feeling my forehead "Do you need me?"
Aaron coughed. As I shot him a look. Aaron shot a look back at me.
"No I am fine," I said reaching up and caressing her cheek "You look beautiful."
Elizabeth blushed "Zak," she said "No I am not."
"Well he's not wrong," said Jay.
"Thanks Jay," she said smiling at him "But Zak" she turned her attention back to me "Are you sure you're okay?"
"I'm fine," I said "Go. Have a good time," I stood up kissing her cheek .
"Okay Zak," she said looking up at me "If you insist," she began walking towards the door.
Aaron, Billy and Jay all look at me as if to say 'Stop her idiot!'
"Bizz," I said.

Elizabeth turned around smiling "Yes?" she said her voice full of hope.
"If you can bring me home some cake?" said Zak.
The four others facepalm themselves.
Elizabeth's face fell "Oh yeah. Sure. If I can," she said turning back to the door "See you later."
"Bye," said Zak as Elizabeth left.
When the door clicked close Aaron,Billy and Jay all stare at Zak.
"You're an absolute idiot!!!" said Aaron "You had the perfect opportunity to stop her and tell her you love her. That you want," he looks at Billy ,Jay and Dakota "You know what nevermind you told me that in confidence."
Zak knew exactly what Aaron was talking about. Aaron knew that Zak had a problem saying make love and not just sex.

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