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Elizabeth's POV

As Zak drove to the spot we love to go hiking at I tinkered with Spotify on my phone. I put my Love Songs playlist and out comes You and Me by Lifehouse. I leaned back and watched the world go by. 

Zak ran a finger up my arm and it sent goosebumps up it "Penny for your thoughts," he said.

"Nothing," I said shaking my head "Just curious as to what you have packed for the picnic."

Zak rolls his eyes "Will you drop that," he said playfully "You will see in due time," he leans over and kisses my cheek at the red light.

I blushed "Can you give me a teeny tiny hint please," I pouted.

"Nope all I am going to say is it's all things you love to eat," he said. I smirked "And no it isn't that Babe."

"Oh and what do you think I was going to say hmm," I said with a wink.

"Oh I don't know. Maybe something along the lines of I like to eat you," he said.

I giggled and blushed "No," I said but my smile gives me away.

"Ha see I knew it," he said with a laugh before grabbing my hand and kissing the back of it.

"You know me to well love,"  I said with a smile.

"Well I hope I do," said Zak "I have known you since you were twelve. And I have loved you since then so yeah I think I know you. I know how when you're deep in thought the tip of your tongue sticks out between your teeth and your brow is furrowed. Or how when you smile just so a dimple appears in the left cheek but not the right. Or when you talk about something you're passionate about  your eyes flame. I know every small detail and every inch of you like the back of my hand. So don't ever doubt how much I love you or know you."

"Zak," I sighed.

He smiled at me as we turned into the driveway of the hiking trail "I love you Bizz," he said as he parked.

He grabbed me and kissed me "I love you too Zak," I said as we broke the kiss. 

"Ready to go on a hike and have a picnic?" he asked.

Zak's POV

Elizabeth nodded "Yes," she said smiling and that one dimple in her cheek showed. 

I chuckled before kissing her left cheek "God do I love that dimple," I said.

Elizabeth giggled and pushed me playfully "Can we go on the hike now? I want to find a place and eat," she said.

"Okay," I said as I got out of the car. I went to the back to get the picnic basket and blanket.

As I watched her step out of the car and I smiled. She looked so beautiful as the sun created and almost halo effect around her. She looked over to me as she slipped her phone into her back pocket as When I See You Smile by Bad English fills the air.

"Ready?" she asked as she slips on her sunglasses.

"I am," I said with a smile as I took her hand.

As we walked towards where the trail started. I had the picnic basket in my hand and the blanket draped over my shoulder. 

"It's beautiful out here today," she said as we walked up the trail.

"Gorgeous," I said as I wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

We come to the cliff where there is a rock that we normally sat on. As I sat up the blanket Elizabeth sat on the rock and fiddled with her phone and her Spotify. She smiled as she began playing 'Til They Take My Heart Away by Clair Marlo a song we came across while on one road trip before we had even gave a thought to dating. She sat the phone on the rock as she got up and sat on the blanket as I took the food out.

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