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June 2000

Yes another time jump but this time to Elizabeth's graduation.She is standing there in front of her full length mirror looking at herself in the knee length lilac sundress. She sighed out loud. She was lost in her own world and was completely unaware of who was leaning against her door frame just watching her.
"Well Elizabeth this is as good as it's going to get," she said with a small sigh "But at least you'll be away from all the assholes in this town that made your life hell. Soon I'll be my best friend's roommate and I'll be starting college at U of N Las Vegas. "
"Yeah you will be," said Zak .
Elizabeth jumps a mile before turning and running into Zak's open arms "Zak I missed you so much," she said.
"I missed you much to much," said Zak kissing the top of her head.
" I can't believe you came! " she said.

Zak's POV

"Like I was going to miss my best friend's graduation?! Bizz come on how long have you known me?" I said.
"Almost six glorious years!" she said smiling up at me.
I laughed and tucked the hair behind her ears "Yes they have, " I said kissing her forehead.
"Zak," she said grabbing my hand and leading me to her bed. She sat and pulled me down next to her "Promise me something."
"Anything. At anytime you know that, " I said.
"When I turn eighteen," she said taking a deep breath.
"When you turn eighteen yes," I said "Continue."
"Well ummm," she said lacing our fingers "We umm share an actual kiss."
Well at that moment in time I swear to you I could have been knocked over with a feather.
"Bizz what about Greg?!" I said.
"We broke up right after prom last month," she said "He's staying local for college. I'm going to Vegas for college."
"Bizz I can't," I said standing quickly causing her to look up at me with hurt in those green eyes.
"Why?" she whispered.
"I uhhh," I said running a hand through my hair "I just."
" You found someone, " she said finishing my sentence. I nodded "That's okay. If we are meant to be then we will be. Even if takes us a lifetime" she stood up and kisses my cheek "Don't worry about it. Just as long as I don't lose you as my best friend and roommate."
"You're not getting rid of me that easily Stachura," I said.
Her mouth dropped "You never ever call me that!!!" she said flabbergasted.
"Eh thought I'd try it and well Bizz it will be always," I said.
"Jerk," she said "Or should I say Bagans?!" a smirk painted her lips "Naw I'll stick with Z or Zak if you frustrate me."

Elizabeth's POV

"Ha ha very funny. You're a regular ole comedienne aren't you," said Zak smiling widely at me.
"You best believe it," I said standing on tip toe so I am nose to nose with him " And you adore me for it. "
Zak rolled his eyes "I do but you're still a dork," he said hugging me.
"Elizabeth!!!!! Let's go!!!" yells Mom.
"I guess we gotta go, " I said grabbing my cap and gown "Let's get me graduated and out of this hell hole.

Zak laughed as Elizabeth took him by the hand and they walked hand in hand downstairs.
" Okay you two are you ready? " asked Linda.
"Yes Mom," said Elizabeth smiling up at Zak "We were just discussing that I am getting the biggest room when I move to Vegas."
" Excuse me?! I have lived in that apartment for close to four years now. I am not," he began before looking at a smiling Elizabeth "Fine you can have my room and it's walk in closet."
"I knew I'd get my way," said Elizabeth.
"You always get your way with me," said Zak shaking his head "Guess I'm gullible."
No not gullible. I'm in love thought Zak Hell she could ask me to knock over a bank or murder someone all she has to do is hit me with that smile.
"Zak are you coming," said Elizabeth tugging on his dress shirt sleeve.
" Huh?! Oh yeah," he said.
By the end of the day she was a high school graduate and ready to blow that popsicle stand and start her new life with Zak in Las Vegas. Yes they were heading into a new chapter in their lives. Roommates/Best Friends/ and maybe one day Lovers but little did either know that the latter was a far time off almost twenty years in the making.
Now should we continue to Part Two?!! Go ahead I know you want to.

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