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Zak's POV

I pulled into Ryleigh's driveway. She was hosting the lunch where we were planning Elizabeth's 35th surprise birthday party. I shut my car off and got out walking towards the entrance of Ryleigh's house her five year old daughter Gemma opens the door.

"Hi Mr. Zak," she said smiling up at me as Ryleigh comes to the door. 

"Hi Zak," said Ryleigh smiling "Come on in the girls are already here."

"Thanks," I said as I removed my jacket and hanging it up. Gemma grabbed my hand and practically pulled me towards the back patio.

"Hi Zak," said Ashley as I came outside with Gemma "I see you have your littlest girlfriend."

I laughed and smiled at Gemma who smiled at me with a broad smile "See you Mr. Zak," she said hugging me around the waist before skipping off back into the house.

"Bye Gemma," I said to her back.

"Have a seat," said Ryleigh as she sat next to Rebecca.

"Okay so what do have planned Zak," asked Raya.

"Well I know she wants a puppy for her birthday but as for the party I got absolutely nothing,"  I said.

"Well that's start," said Ashley sarcastically "Now I can see why you asked us girls to help out."

Renee laughed "Yeah," she said "But I do have to hand it to you Zak as you knew that we could help."

"Well I have something," said Rebecca.

"Okay shoot because at this point we have nothing. So something is better," said Ryleigh.

"Well it's a theme," said Rebecca taking a sip of lemonade.

"And?" I said.

"Well as you know she loves Grease ," said Rebecca.

"Yeah the whole fifties and sixties as two of her all time favorite movies are set in that era," I said.

Rebecca nodded "Exactly so why not have a sock hop theme for the party?" she said "All us girls can wear poodle skirts or something like what they wore back then and the guys have it easier than us all they need is blue jeans, a t-shirt and a leather jacket."

We all stare at Rebecca "Bex that's an amazing idea!!!!!" I said "Let's do that!!!"

Ryleigh nodded "And Frank can get us a good deal on a venue as he is the owner of  Palm Gardens," she said.

"Okay," said Raya "We have a theme and well if Ryleigh calls her father in law to see if we have Palm Gardens," she looks at Ryleigh who was ahead of Raya and was already on the phone with her father in law Frank.

"Thanks Frank," she said before hanging up and looking at us "Palm Gardens is ours on August twenty sixth."

"Excellent" we said.

Landon, Mason and Gemma come out with lunch and drinks. Gemma climbs into my lap after putting the napkins on the table.

"Gem," said Landon.

"It's okay Landon," I said "Gemma can stay here."

Gemma looks at me with a big smile before kissing me on the cheek.

Renee's POV

"I still can't believe you and Beth are never having kids," said Ryleigh "You two would be amazing parents. How you two are with Mason and Gemma as well as your own niece and nephew."

"We both don't need kids to make our life complete. Same with a marriage. We both can't understand the concept of marriage if you love one another how does a certificate change that? All it changes is your tax standings," said Zak.

Ashley laughed "If that isn't the truth. If you and Beth aren't broken up over not being married why do something to damage that," she said.

"We might sometime down the line wear rings to show we are taken but right now we are basically attached at each other's hip so I think pretty much anyone can see we are together," said Zak with a laugh as he took a drink of lemonade.

"Would you ever consider having a wedding?" asked Raya.

"Only if Bizz wanted one," said Zak.

"In other words you would do anything for her huh?" asked Rebecca with a smile.

"I always have," said Zak with a slight blush "She has had me wrapped around her little finger since day one."

"Awww," I said "How cute."


Elizabeth's POV

I put Gracie back into the car after our hike with Nancy and Meredith. 

"Thanks for coming out with me," I said hugging both Nancy and Meredith.

"Hey no problem," said Nancy "It is a beautiful day and well I love spending time with you anyways Elizabeth."

"I enjoy spending time with you too Miss. Nancy," I said "Same with you Mere," I hugged Meredith again.

"Hey same here. I have the best time with you maybe we can make this a weekly thing. After all you are like my sister in law," she said.

I blushed and smiled at Meredith "Ditto," I said "Well I have to go. I want to shower and get ready Zak and I are going out to Kenzie's for dinner and then to the drive in to see Lost Boys and Goonies."

"Okay," said Nancy "Call when you two get home."

Elizabeth nodded as she climbed into the car " I will,'" she said closing the door and slipping her sunglasses on before starting her car. She waved goodbye to Nancy and Meredith before pulling out and driving away.

"God I really wish she was my sister in law," said Meredith "It sucks that her and Zak don't want to ever get married or have kids."

"Meredith it's their lives. If they love each other will a certificate change that?" asked Nancy.

"Well I guess not," said Meredith as they walked to Nancy's car "But the whole kids thing sucks because I think the two of them would make adorable kids together."

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