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Zak's POV

"Ready?" I asked as we finished lunch.
"Yeah," she said smiling "Oh but this time Z. I get my own ATV and I am going to kick your ass," I draped an arm around her shoulders as I went and paid for lunch.
"Oh you are? Are you?" I said as we left.
"Damn right I am," she said "And when I win on the next investigation I am a guest investigator."
"And when I win?" I asked as we get into the car.
"You mean if you win," she smirked.
"When I win. I get to return the favor from earlier," I said leaning over and kissing her jawline.
"Should we shake on that?" she said raising an eyebrow.
"Wait you're up for that?" I asked shocked.
"More than you'll ever know," she said kissing my jawline before nipping my ear "Deal?" she whispered in my ear and held up her hand.
"Deal!" I said shaking her hand "Oh and no take backs!"
"No take backs," she said winking at me "BTW Z you're not winning."
"I think I will win no matter what," I said with a wink. Elizabeth gripped her steering wheel and squeezed her thighs together "Am I getting to you?" I whisper into her ear.
She glared at me "Yes," she growled.
"Good," I said shaking my head side to side.
"Fucking asshole," said Elizabeth smacking the back of my head.
"Okay ow!!!" I said "What was that for?!"
"I just soaked my fucking shorts. I am not wearing any panties! " she said.
My eyes went wide "You're going commando?!" I said.
"Yes!" she said before her lips curved into a smile "Sike!!!"
I turned to her "Wait what?!" I said.
"Like I am going to leave the house without clean underwear on?!" she said.
"So you're not commando?!" I said.
Elizabeth rolled her eyes "No Z. I have matching thongs to my bra," she said.
"T-t-t-t-thongs?" I stammer.
"Yes thongs," she said giggling as she drives to the ATV place "Awww Zak is the idea of me wearing thongs making you hot ?" she smirked.
I clenched and unclenched my fists before glaring at her "Bizz!" I said " Will you stop?! "
"Sorry," she said.
"It's fine but it's my stupid mind racing thinking of you in," I stopped short as I feel myself getting hard.
"Zak seriously this is getting as old as the hills," she said rolling her eyes as she looks at me.
"Sorry," I said "I will try to think of anything but you and your undergarments."
She giggled "Sorry for wearing things that turn you on," she said.
"Bizz you could wear a flannel nightgown and I would be turned on!" I said.
"Zak if only you," she began before I put my hand over her mouth.
"Yes I know," I said "Trust me I am trying!!!"
"Zak," she said moving my hand off her mouth "What am I going to do with you?"
"I don't know," I groan as I leaned my head back as she turned into the driveway of the ATV place.

Elizabeth's POV

I smiled at Zak "Think of Aaron eating," I said.
"Uck!" he said "Thank you for that. You fixed it again."
"Good," I said.
"Just think of Aaron eating anytime I turn you on," I said as we got out.
"Oh great," said Zak "All I will ever think about is Aaron eating."
"Zak," I said smacking him in the gut.
"What?" he said putting his arm around my shoulders before pulling me close and kissing my temple.
"All you'll think about is Aaron eating? I mean come on I can't turn you on all  the time ," I said .
"Well face it Bizz you do and have since you turned eighteen," he said.
I felt my cheeks grow warm from blushing "Z," I said wrapping an arm around his waist before laying my head against his chest .
"What?" he said "Don't I turn you on?"
"Like a fucking light," I said "Since I was teenager."
"Really," said Zak opening the door to the ATV place and ushering me in by the small of my back.
"Yeah really," I said looking up at him "Why do you think I have to go take a shower whenever your damn fucking shirt is off and you're working in the damn back yard."
Zak laughed as we walked up to the counter. We stood there waiting to be waited on he put his hands on either side of the counter essentially trapping me between his arms. I felt his warm breath hit my ear before I felt his soft and warm lips against my ear "Good to know," he said against my ear.
"Zak," I hissed "Stop."
"I'll think about it," he said against my ear before kissing it.
I sunk back into him "Zak please," I whimper as the manager of the ATV place came to us .
Zak stood up and smiled "Hey Bryan," said Zak shaking the manager's hand.
Ugh I could strangle Zak right this moment he left me a shivering mess. He made me wet and well right now I could easily jump his bones and trust me I am not one to say something like that either.
"Hi Zak and Elizabeth," said Bryan smiling "One ATV?"
"No!" I said "Two I am planning on kicking Zak's ass on the track out there. We have a bet!"
"Oh okay cool," said Bryan handing us helmets "Good luck Bro she looks like she is pissed off at you."
Zak looked at me and saw the fire in my eyes "Aw shit," he said .
"Yeah aw shit," I said taking the keys from Bryan "Maybe next time you'll think twice about turning me on and then leave me hanging by a string of sanity!"
Zak grabbed the keys from Bryan following me out to where the ATVs are "Bizz," he said .
I spun on my heel and looked at him "What?!" I said slipping the helmet on.
"Sorry," he said.
"Pft," I replied "You're just sorry because you know when I am pissed I am even more competitive," I put the visor to the helmet down and turned away.
"Bizz," he said grabbing my arm and spinning me around.
"Zak," I said putting the visor back up "Shut the fuck up and let's settle this on the course."

Zak blinked at Elizabeth as she climbed onto the ATV.
"Bizz," he said.
Elizabeth glared at him before putting the visor back down. She put the key into the ignition and turned the ATV over before slowly raising her hand and flipping Zak off.
Oh challenge excepted thought Zak putting his helmet on and hoping onto his ATV. He quickly started it and revved the engine. Elizabeth took off towards the top of race track with Zak quickly gaining on her.
Once they reached the top of the track Bryan stood there "Four loops around the track first one to finish wins," he said .
Elizabeth and Zak both nodded. They glanced over at each other. Elizabeth lifted her visor "You're going down Bagans," she said smacking her visor back down.
Zak lifted his visor "Oh it's on like Donkey Kong Stachura!!! " he said knocking his visor down by bopping his head.
"Three! Two!" said Bryan raising his arms up "Go!!!" he dropped his arms and they were off.
Elizabeth rounded the first corner ahead of Zak. He guns it and shot up ahead of her. Elizabeth shook her head there was no fucking way she was going down like this. She revved the engine before dropping into second gear. She sped past Zak and waved as she past.

Zak's POV

I watched Elizabeth pass me "Awww no I don't think so," I said.
I dropped into second gear and took off. I watched as Elizabeth took the second turn and went up and over the hill disappearing from sight. Shit she was headed for the fourth turn and was about to complete the first loop. I went up and over the hill only to see Elizabeth round the fourth turn and passed Bryan. Fuck!
I gunned it and sped towards the fourth turn just in time to see Elizabeth taking the first turn again.
There was no way in hell I was going to be beaten this badly. Okay so I get just as competitive as Elizabeth does. I am making it to the second turn for the second time I pass Elizabeth. I waved again and passed her. Next thing I know I heard the revved engine and Elizabeth passed me flipping me off in the process. Well safe to say I was beaten and soundly.
I came to a stop and Elizabeth hops off the ATV. She took her helmet off.
"I win! You loose!" she said dancing around " I win!! You loose!!!"
"Well played Bizz," I said taking off my helmet "Well played."
Elizabeth smiled at me "Well I did learn from the best," she said smirking "Now what was the bet?" she taps her chin "Oh right I get to go on the next investigation!!! "

Zak laughed and shook his head before putting out his hand "Congratulations," he said .
"Thanks," said Elizabeth shaking Zak's hand. "Now let's go home," said Zak.
"Yes we can have a movie party, " she said hoping back onto the ATV to return to the building.
They returned to the building and well Elizabeth was going to the bathroom. Bryan looks at Zak.
"Z tell me something. Did you let Beth beat you?" he said hanging up the keys.
"Like hell I did. I honestly tried to beat her," said Zak "If I threw it she'd kick my ass."
"Damn right," said Elizabeth.

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